Chapter Nine

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(After the event, you were being treated, and being cared for by Midnight. She places some ice around your body, as you we're pretty bruised up. Endeavor walks in.)

Endeavor: How is he doing?

Midnight: Still knocked out, pretty beaten up.

(Endeavor turns to Prince Crimson.)

Endeavor: What the hell happened to the kid?

Prince Crimson: He was tortured by a member named Mind Flayer. He used his quirk to manipulate his surroundings with horrendous hallucinations.

Fatgum: He looked like he hasn't slept for days, when I found him.

Hawks: He looked like crap when he was with me.

Midnight: Because there was something I told him, that he reacted negatively.

Kamui Woods: What was it?

Midnight: It was about his family. He's been through a lot when it comes to his personal life.

(She looks at your face, as she looks at your scar, as it was just a thin line across your face. She gets a flashback of your duel with her. She pulls on your arm, as it destroyed your gauntlet and torn your arm open. Then a bit after, Midnight remembers her whipping you in the eye.)

Midnight: There's no hiding from me.

(She sees you kneeling on the ground. On the outside she looked at you, like she was ready to strike again. But on the inside, she was horrified on what she did to you. She noticed your left eye and arm, bleeding out.)

Midnight: *talks in her head* Oh my god.

(She then gets hit in the thigh by your disc, the next thing she knew was that you were gone. All that was left was a small puddle of blood. As she comes back to the real world, she runs her hand on the area where your scar is.)

Midnight: Y/n....

(She then remembers the day of your mom's funeral. She remembers that she was next to Aizawa and the other teachers, behind the students. She had a perfect view of you breaking down. She tried to hold back tears, but she secretly let the tears out. The last thing she remembered was her telling you that she was your godmother.)

Midnight: I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner, but you kept getting into action.

Y/n: You wanna know why I do it?

(You looked at her, as you were furious with tears flooding your eyes.)

Y/n: Because I promised her to be the best hero THAT I CAN BE!

(She gives you an expression of regret.)

Y/n:'s what the world is taking away from me. Even you.

(She comes back to reality again. She continues to look at you, as she holds your hand.)

Midnight: *whispers* Y/n...I'm sorry....for being too hard on you, keeping things from you, and....for being a horrible godmother.

(She felt you gripping her hand. She looks at her hand, then to your face. You were slowly waking up as a tear fell from your eye.)

Y/n: Mid..night....

(More tears started to escape.)

(You slowly tried to get up, she gets concerned.)

Midnight: Lay back down, you need to keep resting.

Field of Heart - Suspension [BNHA Fanfic] [Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now