I felt hurt and aching all over my body. The tiles felt cold on my flushed skin. The hardness of the stone wall ached in my bones.

My arms felt so stiff and slowly, carefully, I grabbed sheets from Hagrid's bed (or couch), and wrapped it all over his body. Then I slowly leaned him down to the floor and I groaned in pain. All my muscles are sore but I couldn't care less. I grabbed a weighted comforter and finally laid down with it on the floor next to him.

Upon seeing his face, I bawled and I howled. I gripped the sheets.

I missed the only man I'd ever loved with every fiber of my being.

My heart ached in my chest when I thought that soon people will come here and take him away from me.

When I thought about trying to live a day in a world without him.

When I thought about a world without Draco Malfoy.

I hold the vial as if it's my lifeline and screamed out all my pain, frustration, grieve and sadness.

I let my tears soak everything in sight.

I had lost him.

My love.

My Draco.

My soul mate.

The man whose love I'd spent my life earning.

Simply gone.

Irrevocably and forever.


Draco, Eileen, Blaise and Luna was buried the next morning. It was kept private, only attended by Hermione, Harry, Ron, Pansy, Emmaline, Cormac and his wife, and I.

When he was lowered to the ground, I stared at the hole in the earth.

I stared at the glossy sheen of the wood of his casket.

I could not keep it in.

I could not keep my composure.

I fell to my knees and started crying.

Hermione was the one that's holding me.

"I need a minute" I said to Hermione and Pansy then turned away.

I walked. Farther and farther up the winding hillside roads of the cemetery.

How surprised I was when I heard another footsteps and then Pansy Parkinson stood next to me.

"I know about the vial, Hermione told me. You need to see it on the pensieve"

Nodding my head, she takes my hand and give a gentle squeeze.

"Come with me. My father has one in his manor"

"Okay" she apparated both of us to her family manor and I opened my eyes after my feet has touched the ground.

She opened the front door and a house-elf instantly comes to us, kneeling respectfully.

"Welcome home, Miss Pansy. Welcome, Miss Weasley. Master has instructed Prilly to inform Miss Parkinson that Master and Madame are visiting Master's younger brother, Miss Pansy's dear uncle Philip, who's fallen ill"

"Very well, Prilly. Now go along and don't disturb us"

"As Miss Pansy wishes. Prilly won't be getting in the way. Prilly is a good elf"

Pansy patted her head before start walking and I followed her.

She walks up the stairs and turns right, after we passed by three rooms, she stopped at the fourth room and opened the door.

I'm The One • DrinnyWhere stories live. Discover now