29; make every second count

839 96 77

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day 1


Rage followed him around like a shadow, hovering over him and leaving him with no rest at all. It grew bigger and more furious by each minute passing by, and San could've walked the floors of his apartment thin, with the endless pacing around he had done since he got back.

His hand was clenched around his phone at all times, while the frustration knowing he was unable to do anything was storming through him. He gritted his teeth, mumbled curse-words as he glanced over the city outside, feeling so weak and powerless was infuriating and causing his entire body to tense up.

How did this happen? How did he become the one without a saying in his own life? How did he ever end up losing sleep over someone not calling him back - over not showing any appreciation for all the things he had done for him?

San knew he had done bad things in his life, and he was aware that Hongjoong might have had a hard time forgiving what had happened. But as Yeosang had done terrible things as well, San felt angry that Hongjoong had decided to side with the other, not even giving San a chance to prove that he had changed.

"What have you become?" he whispered, frustrated with himself to have fallen into the hole of letting his feelings control him.

Things were easier when San didn't care about anyone but himself, when he didn't lie awake all night hoping to receive a call or a message, and when he didn't miss having someone cuddled up by his side.

Yeosang had gone insane, there was no doubt in the world about it, and dangerous as well. Whatever it would take, San knew he had to get Hongjoong away from him as fast as possible. The only question was, how?

San nearly tripped over his own feet, when the phone suddenly began ringing in his hand, but the surprise and excitement were gone the second he saw it was Jongho calling him.


"You need to come to the office, now!" The youngest Choi said from the other end of the line, and although his voice sounded very strange, San didn't think too much about it in the moment.

"Why? Thought I was banished since he took over?" San growled back.

"I know. But this time it's fine, actually... It's an order, from him."

Jongho then hung up, but San kept standing in the same spot with the phone held to his ear even long after the call had ended. He felt uneasy and extremely suspicious by the sudden order, and now he began wondering why his brother had sounded so out of it.

Was it a trap? But the office building shouldn't be the worst place to meet up at, besides, if Jongho was in trouble San had to go - even if it meant both of them would be in danger.

San rushed out the door, called his driver up on the way down, and got in the car with his heart in his throat. As they drove through the city, he stared blankly out the window, once again wondering how he ever had ended up like this.

He used to write the rules of his own life, he was the one who used to have control over others - and now he had lost it all, and for what?

𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 || sequel to HeartstringsWhere stories live. Discover now