"- You passed out?" Questions George with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? -" He turns to Fred, who shrugs in response.

"- You were in the toilet, changing. She's fine, it isn't that important -" the boy replies simply. Carina bites the inside of her cheek.

"- How're you feeling?" Lee finishes his sentence after being interrupted by both twins. George is gaping at Carina, while Fred looks unfazed, not even acknowledging her presence.

"I'm fine," it rolls off of her tongue naturally. She doesn't know how many times she's said that without meaning it. Too many times to count, that's for sure. "Professor Lupin gave me a piece of chocolate to calm me down. I'm okay," George looks down at her, intrigued by the new name. "New DADA Professor," she fills in for him.

For a brief second, Carina's eyes land on Fred's, who's staring back at her. She can't remember the last time she stared at Fred's brown eyes for that long without hearing him insult her. It's weird. But somehow, it's good, so good. She can feel her neck getting warmer under his intense gaze. Everything feels as if it's going in slow motion, she can almost see his chest rise and fall as he breathes. Carina blinks, looking away at last.

"Are - Are you coming to the party on Friday night?" The girl asks, looking up at Lee.

"Of course we're coming," Lee chuckles, almost scoffing at the idea of them missing a Slytherin party. Those were always the best.

"Bring your special blend of Firewhiskey, will you?" Carina asks George with an innocent grin.

"You should watch your alcohol intake, Malfoy," speaks Fred, almost startling her. He sounds just as sarcastic as always.

"What are you, my father?" Retorts Carina, squinting at the redhead as Lee takes a sip of water from his bottle, one arm still around the green eyed girl's shoulders.

A smirk grows on Fred's lips and she knows she's messed up, "Why? I mean I could be, if that's something you're into," George's jaw drops and his hand flies to his mouth while Lee splutters on his water, turning away as to not spit all over Nina. The two friends are containing their laughter as best as they can, stunned by Fred's quick thinking.

Even Carina can't help but nod in acknowledgement, astonished by his sudden bravery. Usually, it was her that had the snarky remarks, but this time, she'd been beat, there was no going around it. "Fuck you, Weasley," it sounds more playful than she means it to, Fred realises this as well but chooses to ignore it. Even though they're technically talking about Lucius, he's the last person in her mind.

The smirk on Fred's face grows as he shrugs, "I mean... sure," he bites his bottom lip slowly, before it turns into a sly smile. Her eyebrows raise at his statement.

Without thinking twice, she speaks again, "Maybe if you weren't so pug ugly, I would," and there she goes, back on top. Carina knows Fred's aware of how handsome he is (which has nothing to. do with him being so annoying, she reminds herself quickly). His many conquests let him know. She doesn't feel any remorse as the words leave her mouth. The older twin's lips part in shock as George and Lee do their best to not fall while laughing.

Clearing his throat, Fred's lips curl downwards and he shrugs, "Now you're just lying to yourself, darling," he says as confidently as he can. She knows he's using the pet name just to get at her, not meaning anything by it, so she rolls her eyes, shaking her head.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, hun," Carina flicks her hair off of her shoulder and offers him an almost angelic smile. With that, she walks away, mind racing and heart pumping. Fred stands still, hand clenching lightly as he watches her leave, taking her body in.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now