Chapter 12

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"Sorry ma'ma but you can't leave" the front office said as she looked at her computer and was typing away

"What why not I was brought here against my will and torched" I said as she stopped typing and looked over at me

"I don't see any scars or any of that stuff" she said making everyone groan "You can leave when your doctor says you can" she said

"Well who's my doctor?!" I snapped as she started typing away again

"Marin" she said

"Wait Deatons sister?" I said looking back at Scott as he nodded his head I turned back at the women she was looking at me now I gave her a fake smile as I walked away from her not even saying thank you which she responded with

"Your welcome"she said in a snappy attitude so I snapped back

"You didn't help" I said just as sassy as I rolled my eyes now we just needed to find Marin and talk to her that is if we can find her in this place

We walked the halls as people starred at us it made me uncomfortable Stiles was leading the way cause I guess he knew where her office was which I don't know why he did

We came to her office which she was in thankfully I opened the door making her look up at us

"I need a note to get out of here Kali is here and I think Deucalion as well but I'm not to sure" I said in a worry voice

"Yeah she was kidnapped and brought here for some reason" Derek said making me nod as she only thought about it

"We'll do you have some history here?" She asked looking at me I thought about it for a minute when I felt a hand squeeze mine making me look over and see Peter

"No not that I know of no" I lied remembering like it was yesterday

I came here after before I moved cause people thought I was insane so people called and people came and got me and took me here people just thought I left town in the middle of first semester when really I left after the last day of school

"Why'd your heart skip a beat then?" She asked how could I forget that werewolves or whatever she was could hear when I lie

I let out a sigh "alright fine before I left Beacon Hill some students called saying I was insane and needed help I can't remember why they thought this but they did so they came and took me in the middle of first semester and they let me go on the last day of school on my senior year so I decided to leave Beacon Hills but once I stepped foot in Alaska I got homesick a lot but stayed anyway" I said looking down

"Why'd you go to Alaska?" I heard Derek ask

"Because people wouldn't have been able to tell if I was a werewolf or just a normal wolf" I responded looking at him

"So what you were in your wolf form all that time you were there?" Peter asked making me look a him

"Pretty much yeah I was a alpha as well but then hunters came and killed my pack and my pack was just normal wolves" I said

"What did you do to the hunters?" Scott asked

"I turned into my werewolf form and ripped them to peace's took whatever power they had and after I killed them I ran back here" I said looking back down

"Did you ever turn anyone?" Derek asked I nodded my head

"Tried to at leader but they didn't make it even though they wanted it so badly" I said "he was my best friend as well" I said locking eyes with Peter who gave me a sad look

"Well that's good enough for me" I heard Marin say making me look over at her as she wrote a note "You made a confession so that's good enough for me" she added sighing the note and handing it to us

I smiled as I took it and we all headed to the main part where I could finally leave

"Oh your back?" The lady said I gave her a glare and a fake smile

"Why yes I am and here a note" I said with an attitude showing I wasn't happy

She took the note and read it over then looked back up at us before going to her computer I heard a lock open making us look over at the front door and seeing it was unlocked

I smiled as everyone walked towards it opening it and walking out I was about to go out when the door slammed shut making me everyone yell my name

"Oh I'm sorry your to late" the front office lady said I was done with her games you could practically smell my anger from outside

I stomped my way over to her with my eyes glowing blue her eyes widened as I grabbed her by the caller of her shirt and brought her close to my face "" I said not caring if I had a growl to my voice the lady only smirked as officers came in with beating sticks

They grabbed me and pulled me away from her as I let out a growl and started attacking the guards as other people who stayed here started backing up or pulling guards who were on top of me

I let out a roar as I tackled the biggest one like it was nothing I used my claws to rip out his throat and take whatever power he had I did this with the others ones as well

After the last guard was down I walked up to the door covered in my own as well as others blood I ripped off the door not even caring anymore

"Y/n oh my god" Stiles said looking behind me "What did you do?" He added covering his mouth with his hand

"They got in my way" I said as I looked at Peter who seemed impressed I started calming down as he locked eyes with me

"Come on let's go before the cops come" Peter said making me nod as we started running to the cars but of course I was covered in blood so Peter gave me his shirt leaving him shirtless as we got inside his car

It was a quiet ride but it was comfortable once we finally made it to the loft I got out as did Peter and surprisingly his shirt wasn't covered in blood

I slid the door open immediately going to my room to change my clothes of course as well as take a shower which I needed

After my shower I put my hair up in a messy bun as I wore Peters shirt and some black leggings I hated how I healed cause I could get scars especially if it's from wolfsbane

So I had a couple scars on my arm legs stomach but I didn't let them bother me I walked out of the bathroom and to my room

I opened my bedroom door not really expecting anyone or anything to be honest but I saw Peter with his eyes closed on my head I smiled as I closed the door behind me and threw my bloody clothes in a bag

I walked up to Peter and crawled onto my bed and rested my head on his chest as his arms snaked around my waist as I could tell he was still asleep

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile school comes first and I got my grade up in algebra so now it's an A YAY me cause I suck at algebra cause eve for sit was an F (BUT it wasn't my fault she didn't add a grade in Mom(not my real mom))

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