Chapter 10

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We talked about who could take Y/n but we couldn't think of anything that was until we heard the loft door slide open making all of us look over and see Ethan with open wounds all over him as he held a tablet in his right hand

"Deucalion took my brother because I refused to give this to you guys" he said his voice was ruff as he held his side

"What is it?" Scott asked stepping closer to him taking the tablet he looked at it and his eyes widened as people when and saw what it was their eyes widened as well

They all looked at me as I gave a confused face "What, What is it?!" I asked scared of what it is

"It's Y/n" Lydia said making me look at her as my eyes filled with tears Scott walked over to me showing me the tablet what I saw gave me mixed emotions I was angry sad heart broken

It was a live video of Y/n getting torched her lip was bloody she had cuts everywhere "Deucalion said she can't use her powers" Ethan said looking over my shoulder

Y/n looked over at the camera just as she was stabbed in the back making her scream I felt anger inside of me as Scott took the tablet from my hands

I started growling as my eyes went blue people started backing away from me my hand was in a fist "Peter we'll get her back don't worry but in the mean time we need to find out where she is" Derek said trying to calm me down but it didn't work I needed her to calm down or else I'll just be 'The Big Bad Wolf' or 'Satan in a V-neck' as they call me before Y/n came back

*Y/n's POV*

I looked at the camera they had set up so Scott's pack and Peter could watch them torture me as I sat here hopeless I didn't even know where I am or if their is sound on the camera there most likely was though "So you going to join our pack again?" Kali asked she was the one who was mostly torturing me

"No" I simply said as she slapped me making me turn towards the camera I grunted as I looked back over at her with a smirk as she gave me a growl and went to slap me again but her hand stopped cause a arm grabbed her making her stop which I saw that hand was Ennis she pulled her hand away and took a step away from me as Deucalion came into my view

He was wearing his usually dress but no shades this time showing his red eyes as he looked at me causing me to growl and flash my eyes this only made him chuckle as he lifted up his walking stick to take off the cape where the sharp end is

I watched his every move as he sliced my cheek but it healed a lot quicker then the others cause it was smaller then a stab wound or claw marks "If you think that's gonna get me to be in your pack then your completely wrong" I growled as I smirked after locking

"Why wont you just join us already so we can stop hurting you?" Ennis said I rolled my eyes knowing they wouldn't actually stop hurting me even if I begged them to

"Yeah right you won't stop iv'e been in this pack before I know how it works" I snapped as I leaned forward as much as I could and growled at them

Sorry for another very short chapter...

New wolf |Peter Hale x Reader|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat