Chapter 19

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I locked eyes with Kevin as he looked at me I gave a growl as I gripped the knife tighter then before

"What? How you should be dead"

"Well just to get back I had to kick a reapers ass"

"Then wheres the scythe cause that's the only way you can come back"

"It's right here" I said and made the knife grow into it's full size making him and his pack step back away from me "Now I'd very much appreciate it if you let my family alone" I said with a growl

"No I can still beat you even with the scythe" he smirked I rolled my eyes at how cocky he was I locked eyes with Peter he read my mind and threw the guy he was fighting earlier at me

I swung my scythe at him easily cutting him in half as I made eye contact with Kevin the whole time

"Still think you can with how easily I can cut through your pack to get to you" I said this made his cocky smile fade from his face

"That was my son" Kevin said I looked down and sure enough it was

"Shouldn't have let him fight in your battles then" I said

"You killed someone important to me I'll kill your mate"

"You really wanna threaten my mate like that"

"Yes I think I do" he said with a smirk I gave a growl as he said "NOW" and more Lycans came running in another pack of 20

I had enough of his games as I used my fire to block them at the entrance I looked Kevin in the eyes as he flashed his red eyes at me making me flash my blue eyes at him

"One on one" I growled as he smirked

"Alright tomorrow at midnight in the woods at the edge of my territory" He said and came closer to me "No weapons just use what your werewolf has" he added and brought out his hand

"Deal" I said as I took his hand and shook it he smirked as I made the fire go away as he left with his pack

"Y/n what are you doing?!" Scott said

"Ending him" I said as I looked over at Scott

"What why would you end him?" Stiles asked I rolled my eyes

"You wouldn't get it" I said as I made my scythe disappear and walked off into my room and changed into leggings and a sports bra as well as a tank top

I came back down and saw everyone treating their wounds of helping others I came down the stairs making Peter look at me "What are you doing?" He asked making everyone else look over

"Training" I said as I opened the loft door and walked out leaving them there

I walked into the woods as I saw Kali she looked at me I had texted her asking her to help me train which she actually agreed to

"I'm not going easy on you" she said

"Didn't want you to" I responded as she tried kicking me but I quicken grabbed her leg and threw her back making her head hit a big rock but she shook it off and stood back up

We continued fighting until it was sun rise "you need rest for your fight" She said I nodded my head as she walked off after catching her breath for a bit

I had a bruise on my right cheek and a little cut that would easily heal up with some rest

I walked into the loft and saw everyone still here but asleep I saw Stiles and Derek cuddling as well as Issac and Scott

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