Chapter 27

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Sorry for not posting I'm helping my sister threw a break up (they were together for almost 2 years)

It's been a week after the dream and I've been thinking about what the voice said I knew it wasn't my fault because it was my first moon and my parents never taught me how to control it

"Y/n you alright?" I heard Peter say snapping me from my thoughts I just nodded my head and went back to drawing a tree

Some time later I got bored of drawing so I got up and walked over to the door of the loft "I'm going on a walk" I said as They all nodded

"Be careful" Peter said referring to every single time I went out I always got hurt or kidnapped I laughed a bit as I slide the door open and walked off after closing it

I walked into the woods after getting out of the building my hands were in my pockets as I had my hood up and my hair was stuffed back

As I was walking I looked around admiring the trees that were filled with life and green

I stopped walking and looked at a bird that was on a branch when I heard a twig snap from behind me I quickly turned around scaring the bird away

I saw a guy older then me his hair was black as his skin had a grey tone to it his eyes were grey as well his had a piercing on his bottom lip as well as chains he wore a white shirt with a leather jacket that had fluff at the hood  he wore black jeans as well

"H-hello" I said as he looked me up and down he took a step forward making me take a step back he immediately stopped and put his hands up

"I'm not going to hurt you" he said his voice sounded familiar "Y/n I'm not going to hurt you I swear" He said my eyes widened as I backed up even more before hitting a tree

"H-How do you know m-my name" I said as he took a couple steps forward I leaned back into the tree as much as possible

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me well I guess that's what I gut for runny away cause my own sister doesn't recognize me" he said smirking my eyes widened even more as I finally remembered where his voice was from

"Jeff?" I said as he nodded his head as his black hair fell over his eyes he huffed before moving it away "You changed" I said with a laugh as he did as well

"Yeah I guess I did I don't have my (h/c) hair and my skin has a grey tint to it" he said smiling as he was now in front of me it made me slightly uncomfortable which he noticed pretty quickly so he backed off

I heard footsteps coming near us I turned my heads seeing Derek, Stiles, and Peter as well as everyone else who was werewolf or coyote once they saw Jeff they immediately stopped and looked at him

Jeff looked back at me and smirked "You miss me?" He asked making me look at him and roll his my eyes as I scoffed

"Yes I did it's been a long time since I've seen you" I said as he nodded I felt everyone look at me as I was still leaning on the tree

"Who's he" I heard Scott say I looked at them as I saw Peter eyeing Jeff with a glare I laughed a bit at this making him look at me as his glare softened to a little smirk "Y/n are you gonna answer the question?" Scott added making me look over at him

"Oh right guys this is Jeff my brother Jeff this is everyone" I said looking at everyone I saw Peters glare turn into a normal stare he looked really relieved

"Aww Peters not tense anymore" Stiles said smirking earning a glare from Peter this made me laugh as Stiles hide behind Derek

"It's alright Peter I still love you" I said as he blushed a bit and looked away smirking this made me smile as Jeff lifted an eyebrow

"Oh right Jeff Peters my mate" I said as he looked at me then at Peter a couple times then smirked and nodded his head

"I was wondering what was with the sexual tension was about" he smirked I glared at him as I punched his arm he only chuckled "You hit like a girl" he said laughing

"Shut up" I said "I can hit you harder" I said as I looked up at him this made him laugh as he only looked down on me

"Yeah well so can I" he smirked I gave him a confused look as he looked like he saw a ghost he started rubbing the back of his neck clearly nervous "I uh...I'm not human.." he said

Thanks for 3.18k reads and sorry for not posting in such a long time

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