Chapter 20

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12:00 struck

Y/n and Kevin ran at each otherworldly claws out

Kevin was a little slower then the female in front of him but his fighting skills made up for that

Y/n was quick and skill full she knew all of Kevin's moves well his old ones not his new moves

Kevin went to go claw Y/n but she quickly moved and kicked him in the side making him unstable but I quickly caught his balance

Kevin gave a growl as he quickly went to go kick her Y/n stumbled back after being kicked in the side Kevin took his chance and clawed her stomach making her yell out in pain

He did this again and again until she fell forward Kevin smirked at how easy it was he looked up and saw her mate and her pack friends looking at him with their eyes wide

"Now it's your turn" he said looking straight at Peter who he could tell was pissed

Kevin slowly started making his way to them

*Y/n's POV*

'Get up' a voice said it was warm and soothing

"I can't"

'You can' another voice said this voice was fake but yet again soothing like the last 'if you don't he'll hurt your friends as well as mate'

"I'm not strong enough"

'You are strong enough you need to give your self some credit I haven't seen anyone like you in a thousand years I'll give you some of my power to help you finish him' the voice said

I nodded my head as I felt something touch my shoulder I hadn't even looked where I was it was a another forest but different it felt warm and welcoming unlike the other one

I saw a man with black hair and red eyes his skin was so white like he could be a corpse or something he wore a black jacket and blue pants and black shoes

'Now you must go before he kills your friends and mate' he said I nodded my head as the place started fading away

I heard a faint scream making me jolt up and see Kevin holding down Lydia I felt a lot stronger then before I got up from my spot now fully healed

I walked over placing a hand on his shoulder and pulled him off of Lydia with a growl

"Y/-" I heard Lydia start to say but she cut herself off I wonder why?

I turned my attention to Kevin who looked at me with shock I gave a growl showing my teeth as he quickly got up and started backing up as he locked eyes with me

"Don'" I said as I felt my anger beginning to over come me

Kevins eyes widened as he started backing up but he quickly hit a tree this made me smirk as I stepped forward towards him

"How do you have those eyes" he said this made me stop

"What eyes?" I asked confused

"Y/n what happened when you passed out" I heard Peter say this made Levin look over at him so I looked over at him

"Well I was in a forest but different from this one and there were these two voices one warm and soothing then one dark but soothing why?"

I heard Kevin give a growl "How did you out of all people find them" he mumbled making me look back at him

"Find who?" I asked

"The two most powerful alphas" Peter said making me look back at him "What happened when you were there"

"Well at first the warm voice spoke saying 'get up' but I said I couldn't then the dark voice said 'I could or else he'll kill my friends and family' then he gave me his power the Dark voice did" I said as Peter smirked looking at Kevin

"Your screwed" he said as I turned back to Kevin who was running in a split second using his power in order to run even faster

I felt anger come over me remembering why we were here I gave another roar making the forest shake and become quiet as I started running after him also using my wolf strength to catch him

I could see him and he knew I was behind him as well I saw him trying to go faster but he couldn't

He started slowing down making me do as well I got an idea so I jumped landing on a thick tree branch which thankfully didn't make noise when I landed

I saw Kevin turn around quickly and make a confused look to not seeing me he looked all around now underneath the tree branch I was in

I jumped down landing on him earning a yelp from him but it turned into a growl quickly he tried snapping his jaw but I grabbed his arm and twisted it breaking it

He gave a weak growl as he tried kicking me off of him but I broke his leg as well "Fine you win" he growled I smirked

I stood up and stared at him for a while before I turned around and walked back to his pack as well as my family

I was almost there when I was tackled from behind I quickly flipped us and found out it was Kevin already healed

I gave a growl knowing he wouldn't stop until I actually finished him I didn't want to but I had to I picked him up with my wolf strength and brought my teeth out

"I'm sorry but I have to" I mumbled knowing he heard me his eyes widened

"WAIT PLEA-" he started to say before I sunk my teeth into his neck making him yell out in pain before I ripped out his throat making him go limb as well as silent

I felt tears come to my eyes as I wiped off the blood as best as I could I dropped his body and started walking off away from it and back to my family

Peter was the first to come into view as I felt the tears run down my face he saw me and with in seconds he had wrapped his arms around me

I cried as he tried calming me which worked a lot then I remembered Lydia so I looked around and saw everyone grouped around someone "What going on" I said making Peter looked over at what I was talking to

"Stiles..he got bite" he said my eyes widened "And we don't know if he'll make it.." he added as more tears came to my eyes I quickly made my way over to him

Derek held him in his arms crying as Stiles coughed up black blood "Derek" he said "it's going to be alright" he said putting a hand on his cheek

"I can't lose you Stiles" Derek choked out I sat beside Derek this made Stiles look over at me

"Look after Derek please" he said I nodded my head as he turned back to Derek "I love you sourwolf" he said as he tried his best to lean in

Derek took the hint and leaned in making them kiss they broke apart shortly after

"I love you Sourwolf"

"I love you to Stiles"

Stiles's hand that was on Dereks cheek began to slowly fall away as Stiles's eyes started to droop until they finally closed as his hand hit the floor...

I don't know about you but I'm crying I hated writing this but I had to...

New wolf |Peter Hale x Reader|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum