Chapter 24

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I had a spider in my toilet this morning....

It was now the next day and I was sitting on the couch as Stiles was in his wolf form waiting for everyone else to show up

Derek was sitting next to me on my right while Peter sat on my left as we watched Stiles panic saying thing like "Whatiftheyhateme" (what if they hate me) and thing like that

"They're not going to hate you their going to be shocked at first then realize that your actually here and not dead" I said trying to help him calm down

"No their gonna hate me because I lied to them about my name" he said

"Why did you lie about your name?" Peter asked tilting his head a bit

"Because you guys would've thought I was crazy and would've probably laughed at me" Stiles said in response as he stopped pacing around

"Why would I laugh at you Stiles I actually kinda figured it was you but I didn't know for sure cause I thought you were dead" I said as I leaned on my knees

"Wait how?" Stiles said looking at me

"Well you and Scott instantly became best friends after a minute of meeting each other and two the way you would look over at Derek or when I was trying you to be in your human form when I was calming you down when Derek said something you instantly calmed down and you chose a name that starts with the letter S and your sarcastic remarks" I said as he looked at me shocked at how much I had noticed

"You really noticed that much?" He asked I nodded my head

"I can see thing people don't really see at first" I responded as we heard cars pull up and door shut "Their here" I said as I saw Stiles starting to get nervous

"Stiles it's going to be okay trust me and if they're mad at you then fuck them they shouldn't be mad at you" Derek said in a calming voice making Stiles nod and give him a smile before we heard footsteps coming closer to the door

Scott slid the door open and looked at us he walked in with everyone filling behind him "So you said you guys figured out who he is?" Scott said looking at Stiles

I stood up and walked over to Scott "Yep we did it took some time to get him in his human form but it worked" I said as he nodded I stepped out of the way and looked down at Stiles

He was sitting down looking at Scott and his pack I walked over to him crouching down to his level and put my hand on his white head his blue eyes closed as I petted his soft head "Don't worry they're not going to hate you" I said in a whisper tone so only he could hear me he nodded his head as I went and sat back down

Everyone watched as Stiles closed his eyes once again and cleared his head from anything his white hair started growing shorter and on top of his hair it started going brown as his legs and arms soon looked human

Stiles was looking down so no one could see his face but I think they knew it was him from his body type Stiles looked up meeting eyes with his best friend as everyone's eyes widened besides Derek mine and Peters of course

"Stiles?" Scott asked Stiles nodded as he stood up looking at everyone's reaction Scott walked over to him bring him in a hug immediately Stiles hugged back as their eyes filled with tears

I smiled at this sight I leaned my head on Peters shoulder as he started to play with my hair a bit

Stiles was telling them everything he knew what happened and even the white room but he didn't tell them about the lady who looks like me though

It was starting to get dark when I heard a voice "yyy/nnnnn" (like a ghost whisper) I looked around not seeing anything "over here" it said but in a normal voice I snapped my head over seeing a guy who looked to be 32 he had my h/c but had d/c/e (different color eye from yours) he looked kinda like me

He wore a Jean jacket with a plain grey shirt underneath and had blue jeans he also had cowboy boots as well it seemed like no one else saw him or else they probably would have pointed him out or something

"Y/n you alright?" I heard Derek asked I looked at him before looking back at where I saw the man but he was gone I gave a confused look

"I swear I just say someone standing right there" I said making everyone look at me and look over to where I was staring

"What did they look like?" Liam asked

"Well they kinda looked like me but had d/c/e and they looked 32 or so they also seem familiar" I said looking down at the ground

I felt a hand on my thigh I looked over at saw it was Peter he leaned into my ear and whispered "Your brother?" He then leaned away to see my reaction

"But he might be dead thought" I said in a sad voice looking at him

"Might is the key word Y/n might it could be him" he respond as I looked down at the ground again

"Who?" Scott asked everyone looked at me

"My brother" I said looking at them in the eyes as I felt my heart beat speed up

New wolf |Peter Hale x Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora