Chapter 5

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I felt someone sit next to me I turned my head a bit seeing Peter he seemed sad he put his arms around me pulling me into his chest as I clanged onto his shirt as I continued to cry he kept whispering sweet nothing in my ear which helped me calm down a lot all that kept repeating in my head was I'm turning into my Father

I soon stopped crying and just held onto Peter as he kept whispering in my ear that it was okay Derek understood why I was crying so he told everyone else and they understood why I was crying

"I'm sorry" I said as Peter glanced down at me

"You have nothing to be sorry for Sweetheart it wasn't your fault she made you go over the edge and you lost control so don't be sorry" he said in a calming voice that made me relax even more I nodded my head slowly as Peter picked me up and carried me to the loft as I cuddled into him

we made it to the loft as I started getting tired Peter noticed so he brought me to my room setting me down on my bed he went to walk away before I grabbed his hand which made him stop and look down at me "Yes?" he asked is a soft voice

"Please stay you helped before" I said in a sad voice he nodded his head and crawled in I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me I liked it when his arms were around me I was relaxing for me

I took in his sent which calmed me more and more I felt him shift a bit so I moved my head making me look at him and see he had fallen asleep I smiled as I started playing with his hair but soon fell asleep myself

I woke up with Peters arms still wrapped around me I smiled not moving not wanting to get out of his arms I looked up at him and saw him still asleep I moved my hand and started playing with his hair once again

I heard a groan coming from Peter making me blush lightly as he moved his head into my hand more I smiled as I kept playing with his hair I had an idea that made me smirk I pulled my hand away hearing a little growl come from Peter as his eyes started to open

"morning sleeping head" I said with a giggle as he yawned

"morning sweetheart" he said in a tired voice I slowly moved my hand back to his hair and played with it again as he leaned into my hand closing his eyes once again which made me giggle "why do you have this effect on me?" he asked as he opened his eyes locking with mine

"I don't know" I said "Maybe were mates" I mumbled knowing he could hear me he gave a chuckle as he unwrapped a arm from me placing it on my chin

"we are actually" he said I smiled as he returned it he leaned in a bit as he looked at my lips then back to my eyes

I leaned in as well doing the same thing he closed the gap between us making us kiss passionately it was nice and sweet

We broke for air as I put my hand on his cheek and smiled he placed his other hand on my hand that was on his cheek

He rested our four heads together as he looked at me I smiled as we laid there looking at each other it wasn't before I heard a knock on my door

"Y/n Come on get up it's like 4 in the afternoon" I heard Derek say

"I am up I just don't wanna get out of bed" I said as I guessed Derek shook his head

"Well you need to theres a boy at the door for you" he said I looked back at Peter as I saw he was getting angry from that

"Alright I'll be out in a second" I said as I got out of Peters arms still in the same clothes as yesterday

I walked out of my room as Peter walked out with me but Derek wasn't paying attention at us he was talking with the boy

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