🦎 Chapter Eight 🦎

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"But I was defending you."He whined but she just ignored me focusing her attention on me.

Mark huffed feeling left out so he just focused his gaze forward to what Lulu was saying. Lucky him, I was missing her speech due to the interrogation from his darling fiance.

"You really like her don't you?"Ruth asked and I smiled.

Of course I liked her but Ruth didn't need to know that, she was just as meddlesome as my mother. Put the two together and Lulu and I would be married by sunset if they knew I liked her.

"I don't know, it's too soon to tell."I brushed her off hoping to get her off by back but it clearly didn't work.

"What do you mean it's too soon? It only takes ten seconds to like someone and its your choice to pursue that or let it go."She argued.

"Oh yeah then why did it take you ten years to finally agree to go out with Mark."I counter attacked and her eye widened when she knew she had been caught.

"I-I wanted to make him work for it."She lamely excused stuttering a little and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please."I scoffed.

"Why did it take you ten years?"Mark who apparently had been listening to us asked.

It got them into a mini hushed argument that I took full advantage of since it took her focus off me. I knew the conversation wasn't over yet but I was happy to get her off my case even if it was just for a little while.

Lulu finished her speech and she and the rest of her team took their seats in the front pews together with my parents. We were seated in the middle since Mark had decided to change his shirt there times thus making us late. The worst part is that he actually ended up wearing his first choice.

Lulu was sitting next to the guy she had introduced to us as Rashid and they were laughing quietly amongst themselves. I could only see the side of her face but she looked really happy. I wanted to be the one making her laugh like that but I couldn't even get the courage to give her a simple phone call or just text. A feeling I was rarely familiar with settled over my heart and I didn't like it. Jealousy. I was jealous of Rashid and I didn't even know him and what their relationship was besides professional.

I knew that Lulu was single, she didn't look like the kind of person to lie about something like that or anything for that matter. She was so beautiful without even trying, so it was no wonder that she would always have suitors. I decided to just concentrate on the mass and ask God to forgive me for being jealous and to give me the courage to make the moves on Lulu without fear of rejection.

After the service everyone was asked to make orderly queues infront of the trucks parked in the church compound so that they could receive their food. There even had trucks of clean water for those who had brought their Jerry cans. People had come from neighboring villages too and I was afraid the relief food wouldn't even be enough but Lulu didn't look worried.

"We should offer our help."Ruth suggested as we stood at the front of the church watching everything going on.

"They have it handled."I brushed her off allowing the fear in me to talk to Lulu speak for me.

"You do you but I'm going to help."Ruth declared and she was off before we could stop her.

"I'm feeling helpful, you should come along."Mark said before trailing after his fiance.

Feeling frustrated that my friends had ditched me I followed after them conjuring all the courage cells in my body. When I got to them they were talking to Lulu who was busy cutting open a box of sanitary pads. She smiled up at me when she saw me and I almost swallowed my own tongue. What was it with me being all jittery around her? I'd never had any problems talking to women before but at the moment its like I couldn't say one word to her without making a fool out of myself. The last night we were together I was calm and confident, okay not to an extreme extent but I could talk to her properly. What had changed within those two days? Maybe it was the fact that my feelings for her had grown exponentially.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant