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Shotaro grew into a gorgeous boy, he was still the same, warm and bashful, soft spoken and cute. Winter was around the corner and he was still busy working, three years passed by, Sungchan was still in the military service. They would often speak over the phone, for three minutes and Sungchan would cry for two minutes straight. They missed one another immensely yet they knew someday this was supposed to happen. Michael and Nana were married, Lenny and Haneul were expecting, Xiaojun worked along with Taro at the company, Chenle was serious in marring Jisung some day, the seven year old liked the hyung too but oh well who knew what would come of them once Jisung grows up. Byeol was born, Sungchans parents had another baby and life went on. Love never dies between the two, no matter how long they were seperated or they cry over the phone for a short period of time they still wanted each other like crazy.

"Did you speak to Sungchan?" Xiaojun asked Shotaro softly.

"No.......He just cries or I cry with him. I miss him Junnie." Shotaro pouted trying hard not to cry.

"Same. I wish they would come home." Xiaojun whispered.

Shotaro locked himself in the room, he showered and wore something for the night as he sat on the bed waiting for his lover to call him. Yet no call ever came and he fell asleep instead. Only once a week was given to speak to family and most of the time Sungchan spoke to his family and only a few times did they speak. Shotaro worked as a designer at a company and he left early in the morning everyday.

"Honey your phone is ringing." Renjun said as Shotaro answered the call not really minding about the caller ID.

"Taro.........." Sungchan's voice mumbled as Shotaro checked the number. He left the house, ready for work.

"Sungie I miss you." Shotaro sniffled going to the train station to get into the 7:00 am train.

"I love you." Sungchan whispered. "Turn around." He mumbled and when Shotaro turned around Sungchan stood there in his military clothes. Both of them smiled through tears as the older dropped his bags and ran into Sungchans arms, the younger lifted him around,spinning him.

Sungchan did come home, after three long years he was finally here, Shotaro hugged him tightly, crying his heart out as he straddled the younger. The giant sighed in content, he squeezed his lover in comfort and embrace. They cried together, their love penetrating through the station.

"You're home." Shotaro sniffled.

"Yes. I'm home." Smiled Sungchan sniffling.

Their lips met, softly with yearning and burning passion as they cried tears of joy. They kissed so much that Shotaro thought he'd die of happiness.

Like Shotaro always said, he wanted a fairytale and Sungchan stood at the alter seven months later. They were getting married, 27 and 26, but still so much in love they knew they'd be together for long. Sungchan started crying at how gorgeous Shotaro looked in his white wedding suit, it was like a story written just for them. Vows were magical under the breaking of the first snow, rings were exchanged over promises and the kiss that sealed their relationship for infinitly was far more romantic than a fairytale. Snowflakes resting on their weddings fits, the chill making them seek for each others warmth.

A wedding band on the olders left ring finger made them bounded forever, those wrists pinned, the body gracefully loved with slow movements that drove the boy insane.  It was great, to be married young to the man you loved, their honeymoon lasted three weeks, they moved into a new apartment. Sungchan started working at Jaehyuns company with his team mates becoming a well known hockey team. Shotaro always supported him, throughout the years and he did now aswell.

"You are late for work husband Chan." Shotaro giggled, moaning softly as they had lazy love one morning.

"But wifey Taro you look so gorgeous now I can't keep my hands to my self." Sungchan smooched Shotaro's plump lips.

The morning sunlight witnessed sweet love until they were exhausted and content. Sungchan decided to stay back and help his wife around. They sat on the bay window bed, cuddling. Shotaro had his bare limbs loosely around Sungchan as he lent on his back tiredly, basking in the glory of the sun.

"Do you ever notice just how fast the night changes? One moment you were my crush and now you are legally my wife. Crazy isn't it?" Sungchan caressed Shotaro's thighs and the older sat up.

"Hmm.......It is. We met on the start of winter and we made love under the first snow, got married on the first snow........and......" Shotaro caressed the youngers cheeks as he kissed those soft lips.

"And?" Sungchan mumbled between kisses.

"Y-You're going t-to be a father Sungie." Shotaro whispered, Sungchan's eyes got bigger as he lifted Shotaro's shirt and looked up at his wife who giggled and nodded blushing.

"You're pregnant?" Sungchan looked happily delighted.

"Yes. That day when you went for the comeback tournament I blacked out at the airport and the doctor said I was six weeks through." Shotaro sniffled smiling as Sungchan pulled him in for tight bear, bone crushing hug.

"Omg thank you so much!!!" Sungchan squealed as the sun disappeared and the first flakes of snow started falling.

"Our whole love story was In A Snowflake. Wasn't it Sungie?" Shotaro smiled with tears in his eyes as Sungchan felt the forming baby bump. They hugged each other as they giggled happily and ran outside to dance under the first snow, they were adults, in love and soon to parents. Their love story wasn't anything like MarkHyucks but they had their own magic. It was different, previous and beautiful, everyone had their own fairytales and so did these two have theirs.

.It was a SungTaro Fairytale.

~The End~

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