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Shotaro pouted, Xiaojun still hadn't come to school, he was being 20 minutes late, the monkey missed the school bus too. Hoping his best friend was alright he sat at the playground waiting for the brunette to come. His phone buzzed, where was this idiot anyways. Sungchan and his team were running rounds when the giant spotted the teeny pixie fiddling with his stubby fingers and pouting.

"Hey check that cutie out! He's the new senior, but looks like a fluff toy." A guy chuckled as they ran rounds that chilly winter morning.

"Leave that boy alone." Hendery rolled his eyes.

After waiting for hours Shotaro sighed as he stood up and started waddling off into the school, Sungchan sighed at how adorably sad the older boy looked. The giant jogged behind the boy, he seemed sullen.

"U-Uh Hendery asked W-Why his boy didn't come today?" Sungchan shielded his eyes from the winter sun as he asked the beauty.

"He no tell Taro......"Shotaro pouted in broken Korean.

"Call him?" Sungchan rubbed his neck with a nervous smile.

"He no answer." Shotaro mumbled running off.

Sungchan sighed, he didn't like seeing this cutie of a hyung upset or sad in any form or way. Hendery lifted an eyebrow at his tall buddy softening for Shotaro. The gorgeous boy hated being alone, it reminded him of so many things that broke him, his father, his mother.....Many people. Xiaojun meant no harm, he probably fell sick or something. But Shotaro started shaking, his small eyes filling with tears.

"Hey!! I need to grab a book!! I'll be back in five!" Sungchan informed the the once they had showered and jogged towards the the lockers to get the book he forgot. He heard soft cries coming from a locker that seemed to be accidentally left open.

"Shotaro?" Sungchan frowned at the small boy curled inside the locker.

"W-Why?" Shotaro sniffled pouting.

"How can you even fit in? Why are you crying?" Sungchan squatted before the older.

"I-I don't.......Me lonely." Shotaro buried his face inside his knees.

"Aren't you old enough to make your own company? Get off Shorty, If someone found you here crying they'll start bulling you.

"I-I hate b-being alone." Shotaro took Sungchans big arm and stood up with the help of the younger boy.

"You aren't. Sit with us at lunch, or there's Chenle you could hang out with him." The younger boy smiled at the short male, seeing the fierce heart throb of the school smile was a blessing from heaven.

"O-Okay." Nodded Shotaro as they seperated ways and went to their respective classes.

Shotaro did hang out with Chenle the whole day, the younger boy happily providing him company with his soothing dolphin laughter and chatter. The dark haired older giggled to something the little idiot had blurted out when that familiar motorbike came zooming Infront of the school gates.

"Hyung?" Shotaro beamed at the rider.

"Hop on baby brother. Hi Lele." The boy chuckled making the blonde freak out. Who the fuck knew him.

"He's my brother. Haneul hyung, Aunt Bears son. Michael hyung and Haneul hyung are twins." Shotaro explained to Chenle in Chinese.

"Ohhh.......Wait but mom said he had......ohh two sons. Now I get it." Chenle nodded slowly.

"Want a ride? I'm heading that way anyways." Haneul smiled through his helmet since NCT high and Resonance Dream High hated each other like forelorn enemies.

"I'm in!!!" Chenle squealed.

Haechan had twin boys, Michael and Haneul, three years after Renjun had Nana, all the teams mates had children close by, like co incident, it was just time and work that seperated the men that were once thick friends. Shotaro was in white shorts and a blue hoodie, skipping next to Haneul, they out shopping for groceries.

"Hyung!! So do you have a girl friend yet?" Shotaro giggled next to his brother not really minding his broken Korean with family.

"No? But Lenny seems sweet at times. I never said that!!" Haneul glared at cute Shotaro who nodded vigorously.

"Lenny is bad." Nodded the 20 year old childish male as he waddled about trying to find what they needed.

"It's cold and you wear a tiny pair of shorts?" Sungchans deep voice made Shotaro drop the condense milk he was holding. The giant crouched as he caught it, his eyes getting a full view of those doll like legs up to the white shorts and above.

"U-Uhh.....It's.....h-hot!!" Gulped Shotaro nervously taking the can from the younger boys arm.

"Wear this around your waist silly." Sungchan removed his jacket and stepped closer as he wrapped it around the boys tiny waist, tying it tightly.

"T-Thank you." Shotaro smiled so sweetly the giant had to visibly hold his head. He ran off to his brother with soft red flushed cheeks.

Shotaro was so caught up in his cute moment with the schools heartthrob that he didn't notice his brother burn Sungchan down with the most scariest glare he could portray. So did Sungchan, the two rival hockey teams.  As they seperated ways Sungchan didn't notice the dark haired boy following his enemy into the car.

"Whose jacket is it?" Haneul asked Shotaro.

"M-Mine hyung......It's getting cold hurry!!" Shotaro shivered shyly.

"Don't tell me you are starting to like my enemy?" Haneul groaned. The younger pouted with soft giggle following.

"Uncle Mark is coming over?" The younger boy excitedly asked the older boy.

"Yes! Finally!! He'll stay for a month before his next schedule, hopefully Mommy gets pregnant." Haneul smirked at the very thought, they had been waiting for years but their father had to become famous.

"I wish my Mommy would too. They don't even sleep in the same room after Mama and Jisung died." Shotaro started crying softly, I hate being alone hyung." The boy sniffled as Haneul stopped the car and pulled the smaller into a tight brotherly hug.

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