Something serious

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I feel like I should explain why I'm not only wildly uncomfortable with but also find it extremely triggering when stories to the "Jax rapes/sexually harasses Alex but later on they become friends" trope.

And I know I shouldn't be talking about this stuff here, but it honestly needs to be said coming from the perspective of someone who's gone through too much to let it slide.

So trigger warning for:
-sexual abuse
-toxic friends
-self harm
-abuse in general

So uh. Let's goooo...


Let's start from the top, I'm not going to go into any detail but know I was sexually abused by my cousin when I was 5, 6, maybe 7 years old. I didn't even know it was sexual abuse until the 8th grade when I sat and remembered it all the face of that cousin still triggers a minor panic attack for me. It's been about 8 years since then. I'm still not over it. So you can see how I can become upset when Jax tries to rape Alex in these stories but Alex easily forgives him, when it, at most, had been 6 months.

And with the "he changed!" Thing... it only shows Jax saying he changed and him acting almost the same minus the creepy rape stuff.

Last year I had this friend, we'll call them Foxi, you see, Foxi... they got with a lot of people, bragged about doing sexual stuff with them to me. That's not all, they also... cut themselves, bragged about it, they wore depression like a badge of honor and lied about their dad psychically abusing them when that wasn't true. They bragged about having a noose in their closet and always threatened suicide whenever one of us didn't have time to hang out/talk.

We did confront Foxi about this, but they showed little concern. They said they had changed and I believed them until they began showing off their cuts to the popular kids, constantly talking about how awful their dad was, they acted differently for a week before resorting back to normal. After almost a year of tension, me and my friends got them in a call and told them we never wanted to associate with them ever again.

They did apologize today to one of my friends, but even if it's been 6-7 months since then, I don't trust it. So Jax being abusive in general then instantly forgiven, yeah that's also major trigger for me.

So if you want the entire "Jax is Alex's ex" thing, please, don't go too far. I don't think most of you know how serious rape and abuse are. Handle those subjects with care, if you don't know what you're doing then avoid it. Please.

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