Short writing oneshot thingy

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Jade gazed up into the inky black sky above, watching the lights twinkle. It was chilly, the breeze let her hair blow in the wind. Time alone was nice, it was relaxing. She reached her hand out as if she were to take the moon, it was hard to not let the tears fall of her face. Atop the tall building, she felt closer to the sky, closer to the stars. While looking upon the beautiful sky, a presence came up behind her. "Are you ready to go?" it asked. Jade looked back, sadness glimmered in her eyes as she put up a bittersweet smile, "Can I have another minute?" she asked, the entity shook it's head, "You'll be able to gaze upon the stars after we go."

"I know," Jade replies, turning back to the infinite sky above, "I just wanted to watch with them while I still can." It put out its hand, "It's alright, you'll still be able to once you're away." Jade nods, stepping away from the ledge and taking its hand, "Alright, let's go."

Her monitor flatlined that night.

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