Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I am a horrible person.

More specifically, I am a horrible daughter.

I haven't seen my parents since just before Darius attacked the pack. Sam assured me that they are okay and he also assured me that they know I am okay...and then I forgot all about them and got distracted by my new house.

I also may have gotten a little carried away with all the new places I can fuck Sam without being interrupted.

Not that he was complaining.

Eliza could not be more happy with me. Though, she's annoyed that I am taking contraceptive measures. 

Do they think I hate them?

"Evelyn, having the link into your mind open up whenever you're feeling extra anxious can be a blessing and a curse," Sam's voice calls out to me. I look up from the dish in front of me, temporarily forgetting that I was making dinner, to see Sam stalk into the kitchen. "Whoever you think hates you, doesn't."

"I haven't spoken to my parents since before Darius attacked, Sam," I sigh, throwing my hands out in exasperation. I didn't realize how guilty I felt about all this, but it's all pent up and I need some way to release it. "I found out they were alive, passed out for five days, killed their life-long friend, and then went silent while I lazed around my beautiful house. It just feels selfish."

"You're not selfish, Evie," he mumbles, walking around the counter to me. He ignores the large slab of meat in the dish that I was adding greens to, even though I can tell he is overtaken with the smell. "You've been through a lot since you lost them and they understand that. The only reason they aren't here right now is because they told me they are trying to give you space to process everything." His arms snake around my waist, holding me gently and securely as I continue slicing the greens absentmindedly.

"Did you ask them to come?" I question quietly.

"I offered for them to come over for dinner yesterday, but my mother had already snagged them," he chuckles, kissing the top of my head. "Our moms get along great."

"I knew they would," I mumble with a smile. "Can you invite them tonight?" I ask, turning my head to catch his mesmerizing eyes watching me carefully. "All of them? I miss them."

"Sure," he answers, kissing me again, my cheek this time. "I was just about to head out and check my letterbox to make sure I didn't miss any paperwork today. I need to ask Asher about the progress on the barn, too. I'll find them while I'm out and bring them back for dinner."

"Do you want to invite Asher, too? I think there'd be enough for seven," I posit, looking at the big dish in front of me. If I whip up some pasta or maybe rice or potatoes, I think the meat could cover seven people.

"I think he'll be eating dinner with Darcy tonight," Sam muses, a teasing tone to his voice. He steps away from me and towards the refrigerator. My head snaps up as I quiz him with my eyes. He holds his hands up in surrender, letting me know that he doesn't have a single answer to the questions I clearly have.

"Asher and Darcy, huh?" I ask, looking back down at my dinner. They'll be an odd pair. Sam scoffs, clearly amused as he pulls out some juice for himself.

"What, jealous?" Sam asks, grinning at me.

"Only that he was able to move on so quickly," I retort, earning a full laugh from him. He places a feathery kiss to my shoulder as I pick up the dish to put it in the oven. "So, are they mating or..."

"I have no idea," Sam answers, "he won't do anything except for blush whenever I talk about her. When I asked about all the time he's been spending with her, he told me it was just to help her out because she's new here, but that was always his excuse with you." I flinch at his words, but relax when I hear no hint of anger or discomfort in his tone.

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