4.5K 52 27


Hello everyone. 

I’m so fricken close to hitting 3k followers!!!! This is so fricken amazing and exciting. I never thought that I would get to 3k followers when I started this page and the fact that I'm getting that close to getting there is very exhilarating to me. I want to say thank you to everyone who has followed me and a thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on my books. 

I want to do something for getting 3k followers, so I was wondering what I should do when I hit 3k followers. But I don't want to do a face a reveal or post any of my chapters from my old books since I’m still working on editing them. The only books I'm willing to post out would be my two new books, the Avatar soulmate book and my Host Club soulmate book. So if you have any ideas on what I should or what you want me to do for hitting 3k followers please send a comment down below. 


So this question is for my avatar soulmate book. My Zuko soulmate book. 

That book is of course a Zuko soulmate book, a Zuko love story. But since writing that book I have written senses with Sokka and my OC that I'm loving and seeing even more happening that shouldn't really happen in this book. Like I'm loving them together, I’m totally down for them to end up together. But the thing is that the book is again only a Zuko love story and I'm keeping that way. I'm not going to change it to a Zuko, Sokka and OC soulmate book. 
So I was wondering if you guys would want a book for Sokka. 
BUT!!!!!! When I write it, it will have the same main character from my other Avatar book. It will also have the same first chapter (nothing will be changed at all for the first chapter) and the beginning chapters will follow the same way just changing it up a bit since it would be for a different soulmate so it will change the plot of the book at one point. 

Should I? Would you guys want that? Would you read it?

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