Stung Part 11

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"What do you mean I can see into the future?"
"It's one of your many abilities."
"Yes Nathan like I told you. You are very powerful."
"This doesn't make any sense...."
"I know but you're going to have to bare with me."

"I don't think I want to be a part of this." I turned around and started leaving.

"Nathan, No! If you leave the game the real world will catch up and try to use your powers for numerous things. Please Nathan you're everything to me..."
She looked into my eyes and I couldn't help feel but sorry for her. "Fine, I'll stay but only for your."
"Why did you just say yes?"
"I was trying to test our power. We share emotions. If I want you to go somewhere you go there too."
"Wicked..." I said. Even though I wasn't fully on board with this I still loved her as me sis.
"We need to see if you can tap into the future and see what to do next. Now Nathan focus your mind on the future." I focused my mind really hard. Then, I saw myself. I was arguing with my sister and then I walked away. My sister gravitated a squirrel and then I came running back and shot an arrow at it. The arrow seemed to be glowing. Then my sister lowered the squirrel and it dropped to the ground. Dead. I rushed over to it and looked at it. I seemed to be in a state of shock because my mouth was open. My sister opened her eyes. Then we both cowered over to it. We split in half and both took a piece and ate it. Then the memory fades away. "No no no...where did it go?" I said out loud.
"Good job now we know how to get food."
"Are you sure it's ok to tap into the future??"
"It's fine..." She answered.
"How did you see that?"
"Remember we can read each other's minds." I was stupid for thinking that. How could I be so powerful and special yet be so clueless and dumb?

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