green room (Toduck)

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Another award show ended with Sechskies and H.O.T sweeping most of the awards. Everybody got ready to leave but Jiwon was nowhere to be found.

Suwon who came back searching for him, found him sitting alone in the green room staring at the mirror.

"Hyung" he called out. "Hyung"

Is he deaf?

Suwon shook him by the shoulder. "JIWON HYUNG!"

"WHAT?" Jiwon jumped back in his chair.

"What's up? Whatchyu thinking?"

"Nothing" he shook his head vigorously, looking around realising he was sitting alone in there.

"Spill it. You look worried"

"You will too when I tell you" he said in a hushed tone.

Suwon nodded.

"When you all left, I came to the green room to get water and I saw Jaeduck...."

"Well that's not new–"

"..kissing Tony Ahn"

"WHAT!?" Suwon shrieked, leaping back.


"He's into guys???"

"WTF NO–I mean yeah– but HE'S SPECIFICALLY INTO TONY!" Jiwon emphasized Tony. He wouldn't have cared if Jaeduck dated anyone in the world but he was dating Tony, from the rival group.

"I don't believe this.." Suwon slammed his forehead. "He never told me he's into guys"

"Why is that such a surprise?! Have you never seen him drooling over guys! BUT TONY" he scrunched his nose in dismay flailing his arms. "WHY TONY!!!"

Suwon paced the room silently for a while. Then coming to a stop in front of Jiwon, he nodded. " that I think of it, this was bound to happen"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you watch movies? Two people meet, fall in hate and–"

"Fall in hate?"

"Opposite of falling in love.."

Jiwon didn't bother questioning the younger's english language skills. It was rather funny.

"Yeah so they fall in hate and how is the hate resolved?"

"by a face-off until one of them dies or is fatally injured......?"

"Definitely not where I was going. Anyway, Duckie hyung and Tony evidently disliked each other, so much that now they're dating. Simple"


Jaeduck barged into the room.

"Guys which ice cream do you want?" he paused, sensing some sort of tension as Jiwon and Suwon's eyes were fixed at him. "What?"

"YOU'RE GAY?" Suwon rushed to him almost cornering him as Jiwon joined.


"FOR TONY!" Jiwon blurted angrily.

"Wait what?"

"Don't you dare act innocent! I saw everything and I am not talking to you!" Jiwon turned his back to Jaeduck and crossed his arms with a grumpy face. "Suwon tell this man I am very angry and very not talking to him"

"Hyung c'mon you should've at least let me know" Suwon pouted.

"Can you please tell me what's going on? Who said I'm gay and where THE HELL did Tony come from?????"

"Suwon ask him to stop acting"

Suwon opened his mouth to convey the leader's message but of course Jaeduck already heard him.

"What did I even do???" Jaeduck attempted to turn Jiwon around but in vain.

"Suwon tell him that I saw him and Tony making out here earlier"

"I WAS NOT MAKING OUT WITH HIM!" he exclaimed.

"Suwon tell him–"


"FINE!" he grunted. "Listen here you, he was in that chair and you were on him. If you weren't making out, what were you doing? Taking goop outta his eyes!?"

Jaeduck blinked.

"YES YOU IDIOT!" he suddenly shouted. ".. sorry, but something really got into his eye and I was just helping him!"

Jiwon's eyes narrowed. "I don't buy that,"

"Don't. I am not going to explain myself"

"Why was he here?" he asked inquisitively. However, he was beginning to think that he might have been mistaken. He wasn't going to admit it right away.

"He wanted a bottle of water. The ones in their room were over"

"He wanted us to faint on stage out of thirst didn't he?" Jiwon huffed. "I get it now, why you bow and smile and greet them nicely these days. I should've guessed it."

Jaeduck shook his head wanting to explain more but he was out of words.

"Hyung you gotta chill." Suwon turned him around. "You've had a misunderstanding. Just admit it" he whispered.

Jiwon hated being wrong and having to apologise. He replayed what he had scene in his head. Well he really didn't see them kiss as such. Jaeduck was standing with his back towards him and all he could see was half of Tony's face. He was definitely mistaken.

Jiwon twiddled his fingers, pursing his lips as he approached Jaeduck unwillingly and still a bit suspicious. "Duck-ah.."


"You were really not making out with him?"

"No, I wasn't"

"Okay. Sorry." he mumbled.

"What? I didn't hear you?" Jaeduck leaned forward with a hand behind his ear.

"I'm not saying it again okay!"

"Aww hyung!" he laughed. "It's okay"

"Duckie hyung even I am sorry I believed this stupid fellow" said Suwon.

"Bitch who you calling stupid?" Jiwon targeted his remaining anger towards the maknae.


Jiwon raised his arm, swinging it towards Suwon, who saw it coming and dodged. "Ha loser" Suwon mocked showing an L with his fingers on his forehead as he scuttled towards the exit.

"You little shit-" Jiwon howled, chasing him down the corridor.

Jaeduck sighed, rolling his eyes. He ambled down the corridor to join the rest.

"Hello there" A head popped out from behind an ajar door nearby. It was Tony. He roped the younger in, pinning him to the door.

"I think something got into my eye again," he giggled.

"It's not funny hyung" said Jaeduck with pinched eyebrows. "Next time you wanna kiss me, let's go somewhere Jiwon hyung can't accidentally pop up"

Tony leaned with both his hands on either side of Jaeduck's face. "Ahh.. Jiwon, I swear to god, throughout the event he looked at me as if I was caught making out with his little sister" he chuckled and so did Jaeduck. He liked Jiwon being protective like a big brother.

"Why does he hate me so much?"

"He doesn't hate you, or other H.O.T members... He's just competitive."

"Not competitive, he's jealous"

"YA! You think you can talk shit about him?" Jaeduck glared.

"Alright alright my bad" Tony backed away raising his hands as if ready to surrender. "Do you maybe wanna watch a movie together this weekend?"

"Sounds good" The scowl on Duckie's face changed into a cheerful smile.

"Great! Can't wait!"

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