sick (Swonduck)

54 4 8

"Hyung! Stop acting like a child!!" Suwon yelled, chasing a pale, red-nosed Jaeduck who limply climbed onto the couch digging his face into the blanket that he had wrapped himself in.

Suwon bolted in, pouncing on him. He caught the older's flailing arms by the wrist and pinned them to the side. "Cmon now drink this and go to bed"

"I am not drinking it! It tastes awful! I'd rather sneeze and cough for an eternity!"

"No you won't! I am here to make sure you get well soon so you listen to me while I'm being nice or do you want me to shove it down your throat?"

Jaeduck shook his head to push aside his bangs and flashed a weak smirk squinting his watery eyes. "Well I'd like you to shove something else down my throat..."

"You're too kinky for a sneezing mess" Suwon scoffed.

"I don't need a well functioning nose to have sex"

"ha-ha very funny but on a serious note, we're not doing it tonight"


"I have places to be tomorrow and I can't afford to catch a cold"

"Do you mean you won't cuddle with me?"

"No. I'm just gonna make you take this medicine, put you to bed and watch you from a distance until you fall asleep, which you will soon because these are supposed to make you feel drowsy." Suwon replied flatly.

"but I don't wanna sleep alone" Jaeduck whined.

"I'm sorry honey but I got no choice"

"okay then I guess I'll ask Tony hyung to come over. He wouldn't mind cuddling with me"


"What?" he asked, pursing his lips to hide his smile. "Is there a problem?"

Suwon rolled his eyes.

"I so wanna pin you down and teach you a lesson for teasing me like this-"

"but you won't because I'm cute and you love me and of course, you don't wanna catch a cold"



They sat next to each other in silence.

Suwon loosened his grip on Jaeduck's wrist, sliding his hands lower to intertwine their fingers.

Jaeduck let out a loud sneeze breaking the brief period of peace.

"Bless you...take this medicine and rest" Suwon whispered, caressing his hair.

"NO WAY!" Jaeduck tossed his blanket on Suwon's face pacing to his room as fast as he could"


The two stood on either side of Jaeduck's bed.

"Now you have no escape," said Suwon, holding a bottle of cough syrup and spoon.

Jaeduck frowned. "will you really force me to drink this bitter shit?"

"Look I understand you can't swallow tablets, so this is the only way"

"but it's too much!!!" Jaeduck's voice cracked due to a sore throat.

"Syrups are made for children so they are of lower doses than tablets. You gotta drink more syrup for an equivalent of the tablet"

"you just happen to know random facts right"

"Cmon hyung! Just pinch your nose and gulp it in a go!"

"but the you have something tasty that I can eat afterwards?" Jaeduck pouted glancing at Suwon's crotch.

"Enough with your sexual innuendos. I've made it very clear that we can't do it tonight"

"You're a meanie"

"And you're being extremely unreasonable right now"

Jaeduck nodded. "Alright I just want a hug then I'll do whatever you want..."



"Come here" Suwon jumps over the bed to the other side and wraps his big arms around Jaeduck's tiny frame gently.

Jaeduck places his face comfortably on the curve of the younger's neck, grabbing his shirt tightly at the waist.

"spending time with you makes me feel much better than this syrup can" he whispers.

"I know....but I can't watch you be all weak and low... I want my hyperactive duckie back"

Suwon tucks Jaeduck into bed, looking at him longingly as his fingers trace down his warm forehead to his cheeks and jaw.

Switching off the night lamp, Suwon climbs into the bed next to his boyfriend.

"What are you doing? What about my medicine?"

"I don't wanna force you"

Jaeduck smiles, placing his head on Suwon's chest as he pulls the blanket cozily over his shoulders.

"Are you sure you wanna sleep like this all night? you might actually fall sick"

"no problem, the syrup's right there. I'll down the whole bottle if I need to" he chuckled.



"I love you.."

"I love you too" Suwon kisses Jaeduck's forehead.

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