mess (Jionjin)

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Jaijin woke up from an unplanned nap at the recording studio.

There was a message from his neighbour. Call me ASAP

His neighbour was an old lady who had seen Jiwon getting into his apartment twice. Both times she thought it was a thief. She wasn't wrong though. Who goes around wearing a hoodie and sunglasses at night? Well, in Jiwonie's defense, his dark circles made him look hideous. 

Jaijin was sure that she was calling him for the same thing again.

"Ahjumma don't worry...the guy you saw sneaking in is my friend-"

"Noooo! The fire alarm at your place went off! Come quickly!"


Jaijin scrambled to the parking lot and headed home in super panic mode. SHIT SHIT SHIT.

He dialled Jiwon, the only person who had the keys to his house.


In the elevator of his building, Jiwon called.

"Hyung, where are you? Are you near my house?"

"I I'm not, wh-"

Jaijin hung up as he had reached home.

Nothing seemed unusual or out of place.........until he entered.

Jiwon dashed out of the room with tiny steps holding a bedsheet.

He looked like he had been caught stealing.

Jaijin looked around with widened eyes.

"Do you mind explaining?"

Jiwon squated low staring at a big pink blotch on the white sheet.

"I just wanted to do the laundry. I didn't know your fluorescent pink underwear would lose colour." he frowned. "Why do you even have fluorescent pink undies!"

"Why are you blaming me? Isn't it common sense to wash whites and colours separately."

Jiwon huffed.

"And why is the kitchen all wet?" he asked, running a finger across the counter.

"I just wanted to cook something nice for us but Charles was creating a ruckus. I thought he was hungry and it took me forever to find his food and his bowl that were ALL in the bedroom fOR SOME REASON! I completely forgot that I had put something on the stove. By the time I realized, the alarm and sprinklers went off."

Jiwon sighed leaning against the wall. He felt so embarrassed, he could no longer look at Jaijin. He felt Jaijin giving him a you're so fuckin dumb look.

"Why is his food in the bedroom?????? Shouldn't it all be here in the kitchen with human food????"

"It's because he spends most of his day in the room." Jaijin said matter-of-factly.

Jaijin felt something sticky on the stove.

"Before you ask, let me tell you that I accidentally broke an egg or two and it splattered all over."

Jaijin reached his hand to a drawer that had all the cleaning equipments. As soon as he pulled the handle, the whole drawer came out collapsing to the floor.

"Did you-"

"Yes I did that too. It was jammed. I pulled it with all my strength and the next thing I know, the entire drawer is in my hands!"

"great" Jaijin said flatly. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"uh...well....I thought I'll wait till you notice but now that you asked, I can't lie." Jiwon said, avoiding Jinnie's eyes.

"I just wanted to dust the shelves and get rid of cobwebs."


"but I was watching this series and I was so shocked by the climax that I swung around sweeping off your..."


"Your......" Jiwon dragged out a cloth bag from the sofa, "favourite...trophy...."

He slid the bag full of broken pieces towards him.

Jaijin sat down next to him.

"Cmon now give me a hug." he extended open arms towards Jiwon.

Jiwon pouted and shook his head. "I created a big mess."

"You've been working so hard these days. I wanted to make things easier for you. I wanted you to come home and be delighted!"

Jaijin lay Jiwon's head on his chest, wrapping his hands around him. "You thought so much and put efforts. That's what matters"

"None of the efforts matter if these are the results!"

"Trust me, it does. I could never imagine you putting this much thought to even clean your own house"

Jiwon giggled lightly punching his chest.

Jaijin kissed his hair.

"Should we clean this all up and get something good to eat?"

Jiwon nodded.

They started with the kitchen.

Jaijin slipped on the wet floor and hit his knee against a drawer handle.


Jiwon smiled slyly.

"No that was NOT an invitation"

He moved closer pushing Jaijin against the countertop.

"I'm serious," Jaijin said, licking his lips trying to hide his smile.

"there's already a lot of mess. A little more won't matter"

Jiwon nuzzled his neck.


"This is one thing I promise won't go wrong"

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