flight (Swonduck)

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"Are you just gonna sit there in silence?" Jiwon asked as he sat down next to Suwon leaning against his couch.

Suwon hadn't uttered a word since the past twenty minutes.

Jiwon opened a box of chocolate ice cream and began digging into it with his tablespoon.

With a spoonful in his mouth he eyed Suwon. "Dude don't look at me like that! If you want some, ask for it"

Suwon shook his head and looked out of the window at the bright full moon in despair.

"What's wrong?" Jiwon placed a warm hand on his shoulder.

"Jaeduck hyung should've landed by now..." he murmured.

"What?" Jiwon leaned, bringing his ear closer to Suwon's face.

"Hyung is coming today. I have been tracking his flight since even before it departed but since the past hour nothing's loading."

"Bro it must be your awful wifi. Try reconnecting with mine."

"No! It's not!" he retorted.

Jiwon was taken aback by that tone.

The two stared at each other in silence.

"I-I'm sorry..." Suwon dropped his head in his hands. "I'm just so frustrated! Something's wrong and I can feel it!"

"There are a lot of flights flying in and out every hour you know. Sometimes the site crashes and that's okay.."

"But why hasn't he called me yet???"

"Must've gotten stuck at customs or baggage claim or immigration...there are a hundred reasons. Stop fretting!"


"OR for all you know, he just forgot! Maybe he's already on his way home and fell asleep in the cab"

"He hasn't left the airport for sure. I tried calling and messaged him. It's unavailable"

"Why are you being so restless????? Is there something I need to know?" Jiwon squinted at the younger with suspicion.

Suwon gulped glancing at his mobile that he clutched tightly.

"Something happened right? Look at me"

Suwon nodded slowly, unlocking his phone to play a voice message.


Jaeduck's voice was heard amidst a lot of wind noise.

"I'm at the beach and it's absolutely beautiful. You know what was the first thought that came to my mind? That it would've been so much better if you were with me right now!"

The audio ended.

Suwon played the next one.

"I know this isn't the best or even a good way to confess but I can't hold it back anymore! You must be busy at work so I'm sending you a message."

Next audio

*Deep breath* I love you Jang Suwon! I really do! And I don't want to share you with anybody. Be mine? Okay? AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Next audio

"Sorry I am just so excited right now! I know you like me since quite some time....I would've loved to see your expression."

Next audio

"My flight is in a couple hours. I am coming back to you my love! You'll come to pick me at the airport right? I can't wait to see you!!!"

Jiwon slapped the back of Suwon's head who turned pink even though he was listening to that audio for the hundredth time.

"You asshole! You didn't bother to tell me something THIS DAMN BIG HAPPENED!?"

"Ah Hyung~" Suwon rubbed the back of his head.

"No wonder you're getting all riled up to meet him!"

Suwon's lips cracked into a thin smile as little dimples deepened on his cheeks.

"Aish.....look at you, so lovestruck!" Jiwon smiled lightly punching his arm.

"Get up and get going! He wants you to pick him right!" Jiwon urged.

"But I don't know where he is.."

"OH MY GOD JUST LEAVE ALREADY! I'm pretty sure he'll contact you in sometime. You better be there when he's out"

Those words energized Suwon who jumped to his feet instantly.

"I'm coming for you duckie hyung!!!" he yelled before banging the door close behind him.

Jiwon giggled, shaking his head and headed back to his couch.

As he sat down to watch tv, some papers crinkled under his feet.

What's this?

He picked it, brushing off the wrinkles. They were Jaeduck's flight details that Suwon was carrying.

Wow. His lazy ass wouldn't do anything unless it's for his "precious" duckie hyung.

Jiwon scoffed, tossing them aside and began shuffling through channels.

A reporter with a high pitched voice caught his attention. She was talking about some accident and how many people died and how many were heavily injured.

As Jiwon read the other information being flashed on the screen repeatedly, he saw a familiar number.

A sharp shiver ran down his spine making his hair stand on its end.

He unwillingly grabbed the flight details scanning for the flight number that he had just read.

His heart raced and cold droplets of sweat began forming on his forehead as he tallied the numbers.

All noise faded as Jiwon could picture nothing but Suwon's happy face and Jaeduck's happy voice.

He gulped and shut his eyes. Tears escaped nonetheless, running down his cheeks.

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