last exam (LeaMak)

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Jiwon jumped over the stone wall into the compound of his high school. The loud sound of him landing on the ground was even clearer in the dead of the night.

This place does look haunted at night, he thought as he stealthily moved across corridors and up the stairs.

He switched on the torchlight on entering the library. It was huge and not a place Jiwon had been to much. He was sure to get lost in that supposedly vast pool of books. Unless....he found what he came looking for.

Jiwon had been wandering aimlessly, running his finger across the rows of books, when he accidentally knocked one down. He picked it up and held it under the light.

Encyclopedia on Pets and Pet Care.

Hmm, interesting. Why is this even here?"

As he was about to put the book in its place, he saw a figure sitting at a table under a dim tubelight, through the gap. Jang Suwon!

He was filled with excitement to see his little friend.

"Did your parents disown you?"

Suwon, who had been so engrossed in his math problem, was startled by the sudden powerful voice that came out of nowhere.

"Jiwon hyung? What are you even doing here? At this hour?"

"I just asked you the same question!"

Suwon shook his head. "No, my parents didn't disown me"

"Oh oh oh! Let me guess! You are going to meet your girlfriend here and y'all gonna fu–"

"Shut up and let me study!"

"Are you seriously studying???? Tomorrow's our last exam! Everyone's already in the holiday mood!"

"I fucked up the last two semesters so bad. I need 70 in all subjects at least to cover up and get a decent score to graduate. I SUCK AT MATH!"

"Just 70? Man you're studying wayyyyy too much for 70"

"Hyung all your subjects combined don't add up to a 70" he mocked.

"YA! Don't attack me like that" Jiwon lightly punched the younger's shoulder.

"Did you come here all the way to not let me study???"

"No and yes,"

"Huh?" Suwon's eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean.." Jiwon looked around before leaning closer and whispered. "I heard that tomorrow's question paper is hidden in one of these math practice books." he said poking at the thick book that lay open in front.

"And?" Suwon asked drily.

"Are you even listening? If we find the paper, we can go home right now and ace it tomorrow!"

Suwon stared at him blankly while he carefully considered it.

"Hello? Did your robot brain shut down?"

"I don't think teachers would be dumb enough to keep it here"

"That's actually smart you know. No one's expecting it to be lying out here in the open."

"I still think it's unlikely,"

"Cmon! Let's try finding it together! We both have math tomorrow! I'm sure your paper must be there too!"

1:50 a.m

"Yes mom I'll be home soon..yeah I have the keys. You sleep. I still need to study a bit"

Suwon hung up, glaring at Jiwon.

"I TOLD YOU! I told you it's not possible! We have been breaking our heads since so many hours and found nothing!" he snapped. His voice echoed.

"Look, we have still some books left. Don't lose hope–"

"I AM SO STUPID! I shouldn't have believed you! You don't care about your grades but I DO!"

Suwon's voice weakened. He felt like crying. Exam was in six hours and he wasn't prepared.

"Just leave me alone now. I don't want to listen to you or see your face until the exam ends tomorrow."

Jiwon didn't retort. His head hung low as he disappeared into the darkness.

I really don't like this hyung. UGH!!! I am going to flunk because of him!

7:30 a.m

Suwon woke up with an aching back and neck. He had fallen asleep at the library on the books. He rubbed his drowsy face before burying his face into his hands. He didn't have the energy to write an exam. He was hungry, nervous and super mad at Jiwon.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!

He waddled to the washroom to fix himself and headed to the vending machine for a cup of coffee.

Just fifteen minutes before the exam, Suwon returned to the library to gather his belongings, when he saw an envelope with his name.

He tore it open and drew a letter out.

I am not sorry for last night because I found the paper! I was right! Anyway, you need to treat me for it. You asked me not to show up before the exam ends so I am sending you this. I have written all the formulas you'll need for the questions.

Not so much love, Jiwon

Suwon couldn't help but smile.

(A/n : I absolutely love LeaMak interactions)

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