4. I am Hueningkai pt3

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After the practice game the team went home except for Beomgyu. He went to a burger restaurant to eat for dinner. Beomgyu ordered 10 burgers to fill his stomach. He went to find a table at the corner but little did he know that a certain someone was already at Beomgyu's table.

Beomgyu: Ahh!! *jumpscared*
Kai: Hello.
Beomgyu: where'd you come from? What re you doing?
Kai: I was sitting here first. I like this place's vanilla shake.
Beomgyu: *smirked* go somewhere else.
Kai: I don't want to.
Beomgyu: If someone sees us, they'll think we're friends.
Kai: This is my usual hangout.
Beomgyu: *sigh*  here  *gave Kai a burger*
I don't like guys who suck at basketball. *smiled* But you've earned yourself one of those.
Kai: Thanks.

After Beomgyu ate all the burgers, he's on his way home along with Kai. While the two walking home Beomgyu asked Kai something

Beomgyu: Just how strong is the Generation of Miracles? If I played them now, how would I do?
Kai: You'd be destroyed instantly.
Beomgyu: Do you have to put it like that?!!
Kai: The five prodigies have each gone on to play for their own schools. One of those schools will stand at the top.
Beomgyu: *laughed* That's great.
Kai: mm?
Beomgyu: That's the kind of thing that lights a fire in me. I've decided. *smiled* I'll crush all of them and become Korea's best player.

Kai stared at him just for a second then...

Kai: I don't think that's possible.
Beomgyu: !! Oyyy!!
Kai: If you have a hidden talent, I wouldn't know. But, from what I've seen, you wouldn't even reach their feet.

They ran across the road.

Kai: You can't do it alone. I've also decided.
Beomgyu: mm?
Kai: I'm a shadow. But the stronger the light, the darker the shadow, and the more it accentuates the brightness of the light. I will be the shadow to your light and make you the best player in Korea.

Beomgyu; *smirked* Look who's talking. Do whatever you want.
Kai: I'll do my best.

To be continued...

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