"Are you saying we shouldn't have moved in together?" 

"Hell no, I wanted that. That's why I asked you. I just want you to think about it from Saraya's point of view that's all. Talk to her, you both need this." 

"Fine, I will. Promise." 

*End of Flashback*

I wasn't one to break my promises, so collecting myself I walked towards the Talent Show room, where most of the divas and superstars hung out to watch the show. There was drinks, TVs and a lot of chairs so people could come and go as they please. I noticed Saraya sitting next to Victoria (Alicia Fox) who noticed me first and gave me a smile. 

"Hey" I breathe reaching the pair. Saraya looked up at me, surprise in her eyes as she sat up straight. 


"Can we talk?" I asked her, immediately she nods her head. I smile at Fox with a slight nod before walking out of the room, Saraya on my tail. I walked until I found a secluded hallway towards the gorilla area. Stopping myself, I inhaled deeply before turning on my heel to face her. "Okay, tell me why you said it?" 

"I honestly didn't mean it. I was just frustrated and annoyed. I saw how your relationship ended and I guess I just saw it happening again in my head and I got scared that if it did happen I would lose you. For good." 

"Sara the relationship didn't end because Jon and I weren't right for each other. It ended because I couldn't deal with myself. I lost myself to grief and alcohol. I was in so much pain over Ayla that I didn't want to wake up in the morning that had nothing to do with Jon." 

"I know. But I got inside my head and I shouldn't have but I did. It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. Ayla is lucky to have a mom like you. I am lucky to have you and I honestly can't believe I said that. I hate myself for it but I didn't mean it. Please believe me." 

"I believe you." I whisper lowly, the tears filling my eyes. 

"You do?" She asks, tears in her own eyes. "I swear I will spend my life making it up to you." 

"You don't have to do that." 

"I love Jon Stace, he is perfect for you. You are perfect together and I am sorry for even thinking he was a problem. Of course you guys should live together, your Endgame." She chuckles lowly making me laugh at the term Colby loves to use about Jon and I. 

"I'm sorry it took so long to talk to you." 

"I understand." She smiles holding her arms out to me. Immediately I wrap my arms around her, I really did miss her. Despite putting up a front that I hated her and didn't want to talk to her. I did. She was my sister, I started my wrestling journey with her and I was determined to finish it with her. "I love you." She whispers in my ear, tears falling from her eyes and onto my shoulder. 

"I love you Sara" 


"So you have no idea if he wins this or not?" Victoria asks. After our chat, Saraya and I headed to catering to catch up further before heading back to the Talent Viewing room and sitting next to Fox to watch Jon's match. I shook my head no before sitting on my hands to stop myself from biting my nails. I was so nervous for him. He has worked so hard the last few months and I just hope upper management have finally decided to give him another title. "How do you do that?" 

"With great difficulty." Saraya laughed pushing my shoulder jokingly. My eyes were glued to the screen, so I just stuck out my tongue at the TV making the girls laugh. Kevin currently had Jon in  a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. I was gnawing on the side of my lip nervously, I knew Jon could come back from this but still I didn't like seeing him get hurt. "I think the only time you knew what was going to happen was when The Shield broke up right?" 

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