"He's great." Probably the biggest lie she's ever told.

"He's wise and heavily respected by the clan, I mean he is the medicine cat." Dawnpaw hummed, narrowing her gaze on Dovepaw with satisfaction.

"Yeah. He's pretty brilliant." Leopardpaw added, offering her friend a wink which she appreciated.

"Right, right." Dovepaw murmured, almost condescending, however she didn't push the matter any further. Dawnpaw would kill to know what she was thinking.

The eight apprentices continued to chatter, some grouping off to stay with their closer friends, as they padded through FallClan's rocky terrain. It was an almost silent agreement amongst the assembled felines to head off to Clearfalls, which was the waterfall which started from the top of the mountain and trickled to the very bottom.

Eventually they made it, and Dawnpaw wasn't sure she'd ever get tired of the view. It was absolutely stunning. Besides, her mother always told her to appreciate the world they were so lucky to live in.

"Guys look!" Nightpaw called.

"A badger!" Brinepaw shrilled.

"What?" Lionpaw queried desperately.

"Oh chill out, it's dead." Dovepaw snapped as she joined the others.

"Leopardpaw, what are you doing?" Blossompaw queried skeptically.

"Poking it." She grinned sheepishly, pawing at the sable corpse gently. "It's definitely dead."

"What if there are others?" Lionpaw questioned, his eyes rounded with worry, however Dovepaw just glared at him, almost like she was silently telling him to just shut it.

"It's stiff; probably been dead a couple of days. If there were others," Blossompaw paused as she looked at them with a small smile, "they're long gone now."

"Okay," Dovepaw interrupted, "I'm bored. Let's play truth or dare."

"Truth or dare? Really?" Blossompaw mocked, giving her sister a dry laugh.

"Yes really." She hissed in return.

"I'm intrigued." Dawnpaw spoke up, causing the others to lift their heads to face her before exchanging brief glances. "Who starts?"

"I will!" Brinepaw burst, blue gaze then settling within a deep golden depth. "Leo, truth or dare?"

The cream bengal remained stiff for a few fleeting moments, her gaze narrowing on the silver bengal before a small smirk crossed her jaws. "Dare."

This seemed to be exactly what Brinepaw wanted, and if Dawnpaw didn't know any better, she would've guessed the two had some sort of silent agreement.

"Right," he cooed gently as he stood to his paws, "since you believe you're so high and mighty, I dare you to a spar. With me." He challenged, the others looking amongst each other with excited glances before focusing on Leopardpaw.

Dawnpaw analyzed her friend, hoping she'd decline the offer. Leopardpaw's ego was fragile, and based solely on her father's words, Brinepaw seemed to be gifted at combat. However they had only been apprentices for a short while— Leopardpaw especially— so she wasn't entirely sure. However, a small part of her was curious, so instead of speaking up to talk her friend down, she remained quiet.

Leopardpaw didn't hesitate; Dawnpaw noticed that her friend still seemed quite sure she'd win. Oh Leopardpaw, my brother is a literal exemplar.

"Your funeral." The bengal challenged, her tail lashing behind her slowly.

"Wait." Lionpaw stood up, the others redirecting their gazes to him. "We should have rules."

"Buzzkill." Dovepaw hummed in a somewhat melody, green gaze narrowed and uncomfortably reserved.

"No, he's right." Blossompaw spoke up, her crystalline gaze resting to meet the sage depth of her sister's. "No unsheathed claws. The first to hold the other down for three seconds will win."

"We've been apprentices for what, half a moon, and you guys really think you're some elite combatants now?" Nightpaw mused, Tealpaw chuckling beside him.

"I don't think. I know." Leopardpaw corrected, however Nightpaw disregarded her with a single flick of his ear.

"Enough talking, you're wasting time." Dawnpaw snapped, tail curling around her paws. "Let's begin." She grinned, Dovepaw smirking in turn.

This would definitely be interesting; her brother against her best friend.

Leopardpaw and Brinepaw began circling each other, each with heads hung low, the others spread apart to give the two space. Brinepaw would flicker an ear every here and there, however Leopardpaw never flinched. Dawnpaw watched intently, making mental notes in her head, studying their body language. She assumed Leopardpaw would make the first move, and she was right.

The bengal paused abruptly, her golden gaze falling into slits as she flung herself towards Brinepaw, however the silver tomcat dodged the attack. Leopardpaw was quick to twist around to ensure he wouldn't plan a move on her failed attempt. It reminded Dawnpaw of how they'd spar as kits, however their moves seemed a little more calculated now. Still amateurs, however.

This time, Brinepaw leapt back in, however at last second, switched courses, causing Leopardpaw to twist around to find him hurling himself into her side. The two rolled on the ground, each struggling for an upper hand.

Dawnpaw noticed they weren't strategizing at all. It was all fury and competitive batting, a literal ball of ego. To be quite honest, she found it amusing. Hadn't father always taught her and Brinepaw to fight with composure and not anger? She could almost hear Tigertaunt's criticism.

"Who are your bets on?" Nightpaw whispered into her ear, and she glanced at him briefly before back to the ball of fur in front of her.

"My father spit out critiques ever since me and my brother were born. Besides, Brinepaw's had more training and dad said he's gifted."

"How could your dad know that so early into his training?" This time it came from Blossompaw, a skeptical gleam in her crystalline gaze, however Dawnpaw only shrugged. She didn't have an answer for them.

Her focus was interrupted as Brinepaw had the beige bengal beneath him, her eyes ablaze from below. Of course he'd win.

However, as the third second approached, Leopardpaw sent her hindquarters barreling into the soft part of Brinepaw's stomach, sending him breathlessly to the ground. The bengal molly didn't hesitate as she quickly hurled herself to him, digging her paws into his back. For a few fleeting moments he struggled, however he eventually gave up.

"And Leopardpaw wins!" Dovepaw squealed, a nearly devilish smile crossing her face, however Dawnpaw duly noted it. How would father react to a younger apprentice besting her brother?

For some sick reason, the thought of Brinepaw being scolded was satisfying to the pale molly, however she tried to keep the thoughts at bay and tucked far away.

"Gifted, huh?" Tealpaw whispered into her ear, and she just held his gaze momentarily before tearing it away to find an eager Leopardpaw beside her.

"Did you see me, D? I won!"

"Congratulations." She purred, playfully nudging her friend's shoulder.

"I mean, I totally knew I'd win. I'm not shocked." She reminded, however Dawnpaw only batted an eye.

The apprentices spent the rest of the evening playing out their game, however Brinepaw wasn't nearly as cheerful as he originally was.

Hey brother, you're not so perfect after all?


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :)

I've always noticed that ever since I was young, I've always enjoyed writing about rival siblings. I honestly have no clue why, but sibling dynamics were always something that interested me. In this story, Brinepaw's and Dawnpaw's dynamic will be extremely important.

That's all! Any and all feedback would be appreciated. 💘

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