Morning Part II

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Cupid pressed his lips against mine forcefully, biting them and nipping at my neck, getting pathetic whimpers from me. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer. We kissed and danced against the bed. "Jack," he breathed. "Jack." I tugged on his hair, needing him closer. "Jack." He ripped off my shirt and slid his hands all along my body, fumbling with my button on my pants. I needed him so bad. "Jack. Jack."


I opened my eyes but immediately closed them due to the harsh bright light. "Jack!" shouted Mom, waking me from my dream.

"What?" I groaned, her voice so loud, my head aching so bad.

"Am I talking too loud for your damn hangover? Huh?" she shouted.

"Mom," I groaned, in deep pain. Ugh.

"Get up and put some decent clothes on. We have to go to the capitol building."


"Because you and Cupid are in trouble."


"You'll find out." She left and slammed the door.

I slowly got out of bed and went into my half-bath, throwing up into the toilet. I changed into some pants and the shirt Cupid gave me, the one with his name. I went into the living room put on my sandals. Mom dragged me through the town, mumbling things about how disappointed she was under her breath. I don't think I had ever made my mom so mad. I kind of felt bad, but then I thought about the dancing and sitting in Cupid's lap.

We went into the meeting room and luckily there weren't that many people. Just Mother Nature, the Green Man, Santa, Father Time, Cupid's parents and Mo. We sat down and they all frowned at me, but Cupid sat in between his parents, looking normal.

"You do know you're not allowed to pay a visit to the humans, right?" Santa said.

"It's my job to," Cupid said casually.

"And it's a part of your job to take Jack out and get him drunk?"

"I got myself drunk," I chimed in. "I mean...we were both drinking. It's not like it's frowned upon a whole lot here."

"But you went to a club."

"And it was fun," I said. "I'm dead. I wasn't raped. It's fine. Cupid knows the entire planet like the back of his hand and he made sure nothing happened to me. He knew the majority of people there any way. If I'm a friend of his then I'm a friend of them, too. They had that kind of attitude so no big deal."

"What's the problem? We look normal. They don't know a thing. I mean, you've all been down there before to party."

I laughed as they all looked at each other. They looked so guilty!

"Look, shouldn't you be glad Jack and I are friends now? We use to hate each other and now I love the kid. All my friends loved him, too, and he could use people complimenting him and being nice to him. Half of them wanted to steal him away - not as in kidnapping. They wanted to win him over, I mean, but they wouldn't do that because I'm friends with them."

I smirked a little because he sort of let on it was a gay club, but I don't think anyone got it, except for maybe Mo who was smirking.

"Well, you still should've told someone," Mr. Heart said.

"As punishment, winter will be delayed by a week and Cupid, you must be back by eleven o'clock every night for a week."

"That's stupid. Don't punish Jack. He told his mom he was going out with me that night and it's not his fault. Don't freaking delay winter and make me have a curfew for a week. That's more of a punishment to him than it is to me. No wonder he hates a lot of people. Everyone makes him feel like you hate him."

"We don't-"

"Then quit making him feel that way. Look, how about you just make me do some service around town and let him off the hook. I should've told the bartender when to stop serving him. I should've brought him back earlier. It's my fault. He's naive and vulnerable. Just...calm the hell down. Damn."

Mo snorted a laugh. "I think this was a waste of time. They're teenagers," he said. "Let them go on being stupid and horny and adventurous. Somebody has to." He stood up and the meeting was over. Mom and I walked home and she sat me down on the couch.

"Honey, the Hearts were talking to me, and they said they didn't like having you hang around Cupid," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of course they don't like you. They hardly like anyone."

"But...I really like him, Mom."

"Does he even like you? Is he gay?"

"Yeah, well, bisexual probably. He asked me on a date and made it clear it was a date. He told me we could be perfect for each other because he can't tell what my feelings are, and he can't tell how his true love feels. It might be me, but there are others like me, too. Though he's taking a chance on me and I want to be with him so bad, Mom."

"I know, baby, but maybe this is the factor that means you're not meant to be."

My lip trembled. It felt so real and true, though. She took me in her arms and held me. "I really do like him, Jack. He's a nice guy and I think you two are cute together. I also don't blame him for getting you drunk. I know you're stupid."

I smiled. I love my mom.

"You make up for it by being so cute, though."

"What if we hide it away from his parents?"

She laughed. "Perhaps I'll just turn my cheek, but it all depends on how his parents influence him. They're talking to him now, and he's pretty rebellious but when it comes to something like this I don't know."

I sighed. "Okay," I mumbled.

"Why don't you get some sleep? If you ever decide to be a dumbass again and get drunk then I won't let you sleep, but in this case I will."

"Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome. I'm going to go to the grocery so I'll be back soon."


I went to my room and collapsed onto the bed. If only people liked me. Then maybe I could actually date Cupid, but he's the only one that actually likes me. I couldn't get to sleep even though I really wanted to, but even if I had gone to sleep I would've been woken up instantly by the loud crash coming from my window. Cupid barged right through the window, smashing it and sending glass every where. I screamed like a girl and flinched. I looked at Cupid curiously.

"Sorry," he said. "I got ahead of myself."

I looked at the tiny cuts on him and went to the bathroom to retrieve a wet rag and bandages. I sat him down and wiped up the little bit of blood. Then covered him in different colored bandages.

"Jack," he said, looking down at me since I was on my knees and he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I don't think I can date you anymore."

My heart fell. I could feel the tears in the back of my throat, but I wouldn't let them fall. "Why?"

"My parents don't want me to, and when it comes to love, I think they're right."

"How can they be right about love when they don't love each other?"

He sighed and looked down, grabbing his head. "I don't know, but something tells me they're right. I think they're the reason we're not meant to be, and it's something we have to get over, to move on from. This was just an episode in our lives and we can grow from it."

"But...we hardly even tried."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but we use to hate each other and in a matter of a couple months we started to not hate each other anymore. That doesn't mean we're suppose to be in love and together."

"No, it doesn't mean that. It just means we have to see what the feelings mean and see if we can be together. What if we are meant to be together and we never know it? Do you know what that means? You'll ruin people's lives, and it won't just be my life or yours, but you'll decide to marry a woman you don't love, ruining her life, and then she won't be with her true love and he'll marry some other woman and she won't be with her true love and so on and so on!"

"Jack, I can't go against my parents."

"But you do all the time!" I exclaimed, standing.

He stood up, too, and for the first time in knowing him, he looked confused. "I'm sorry," he told me. "I'm sorry for all the times I made you cry and all the things I said to you. I was just always so angry because I've always thought of you as someone who's great, but when you would be upset because winter had to end or something, I didn't like that. Though I'm sorry. I'm certain it's hard to give up something. It's like winter is dying and then it comes back to life but you know it's going to die again and again. You can complain, Jack, but you haven't complained that much in the past few months, and when you did, I didn't care. In fact, I wanted to make things better so you wouldn't have to complain. I some how have gotten less annoyed of you. I think I was just telling myself you're annoying for a long time and so that's why I kept getting annoyed of you, but you're not annoying. You're wonderful. I'm sorry for telling you all the time how people hate you. They shouldn't hate you. They should love you. You deserve to be loved so much, Jack. You should just be yourself from now on. If you want to complain go ahead. If you want to cry, go ahead. Just continued to be amazing, Jack. Please."

I just stared at him, a few tears falling. "Why're you telling me this now?" I asked him.

"Because I want you to know that and I know you won't want to talk to me after rejecting you." He kissed my forehead and then jumped out the window.

He was wrong. So wrong. We had to be meant for each other. Not only was he wrong in that, but I would still talk to him, even after he just broke my heart.


Aw, and just when things were going good :(

I'm very excited for this story because this is only chapter twelve and I still have a lot in store for this story! Normally they end really short like around chapter 14 or sometimes chapter 20. I have a few that are a bit long, but this one is just starting!

Dedicated to le awesome fan who has commented quite often and voted and such so thank you :D

Comment, read, vote, love, etc.

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