"Hey, handsome.." I said while giving him a smile. Raghav pulled the chair and set beside me. Divya keep eating her sandwich while glaring Raghav.

"You know I miss you in my whole vacation." He said while putting his hand on mine, which was on the table.

Divya rolled her eyes on both of us while continuing eating her sandwich. I chuckled and remove my hand from him while shaking my head in amusement.

Raghav is also Dhruv's classmate and second most handsome boy in our school because first one is my Dhruv. No one can beat him in looks. Girls are crazy for him but alas! He has a girlfriend from other school. Divya also had crush on him but when she came to know about his girlfriend, her heart broke and I gave her my shoulder for cry. But her crush wasn't serious, so she moved on from him soon and now she had a crilush on our chemistry teacher.

Raghav is the most funniest person, I have ever met. He loves to do flirting with me and I also took part in his flirting. His flirting is healthy so I also have some fun with him. I used to call him bhaiya but he stopped me and told me to call him by his name because it makes him look older if I call him bhaiya. He considers me as his sister because he is a single child of his parents.

"Why do you always flirt with her don't you have a girlfriend?" Divya said while closing the lunch box and gulped down the whole soda in one go.

"Are you jealous?" Raghav smirked on her.

He loves to tease Divya alot. Raghav knew about Divya's crush on him. He once told me about that but I strictly told him not to mention it in front of Divya. I don't  want her to be embarrasse.

"Why would I be jealous?" Divya looked at him while knitting her eyebrows in confusion.

"Because you like me."

My head spun to him and looked at him with wide surprising eyes when he said that casually while shrugging his shoulders. Divya froze on her spot and her cheeks turned into hot red.

"What..? Do you really think, I don't know about your crush on me." He said casually while throwing the used tissue paper on Divya to bring out her  from her shock.

Divya came out from her shock and glared at Raghav.

"Oh! Please. It's been ages when I used to like you. I moved on from you a while now. Now you are just another guy for me in my school." Divya throw back the tissue paper on him.

I was looking at both of them fighting like a Tom and Jerry. It was really a fun watching them fighting like a small kids. I just need a popcorn and I am all set for watching them fighting. They both fights like a couple.

"No one moves on from me easily babe." Raghav said while blowing a kiss to Divya in air and Divya make a gagging face.


"Where is Dhruv bhaiya? I didn't see him in school for a month now, not even in playground." Divya asked to Raghav.

I also wanted to ask him the same question but I know, I can't. Dhruv and Raghav are classmates but they are not friends. They both have a different friend circle. Well only Raghav have the friend circle, Dhruv doesn't get social to anyone. He loves to spend his time alone or with his books.

"Must be in library. Now days he spends his most of the time in library.  Teachers also don't say anything to him. The boy has the permission, direct from the principal and no one denies him, not even principal because he is the toper of our school." Raghav said casually while eating his burger.

"But why wasn't he is in playground?" This time I couldn't stop myself to ask about Dhruv. Both Divya and Raghav looked at me suspiciously. My cheeks turned into hot red when I finally realized my mistake.

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