Letters of Love (RoWen)

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I nodded again, standing up and leaving the room, letting the tears fall down my cheeks as I ran towards my dorm. I didn't care if running was 'unladylike', I just had to get back to the room so I could cry to myself in peace. I slammed the door of my dorm behind me and fell onto my bed, burying my face in the pillow as I quietly sobbed.

In that building, I was alone. No one wanted to talk to me. My reputation, as the orphan who was disowned by an entire village, preceded me and I was left to try and get through the year on my own.

I must have fallen asleep because I was jolted from my slumber by a door slamming, pushing myself into an upright position to see three girls giggling by their beds, glancing over at me for a second before they rolled their eyes and continued to gossip, my name being thrown out a couple of times but I tried to ignore it as much as possible.

The girls slowly got changed into their nightdresses, the gossipers barely taking the time to breathe in between their sentences as they flung themselves around the room in their underwear, purposely showing off every single curve while I silently covered myself in my bedsheet as I got changed. The girls in my dorm knew my every insecurity, including the fact that I was still as flat as a board when the rest were throwing their bodies around without a care in the world.

The lights were turned off and the other girls slowly fell asleep but I was wide awake after my impromptu nap before. I sat up in bed, checking that they were not awake before I grabbed a pencil and paper and tiptoed over to the window.

I liked to sit there at night when I couldn't sleep, the ground floor window giving a large view of the grounds that I was stuck in, able to see all the way towards the trees on the edge of the gardens and admire the sight with no one there to tease me. But that night, I had other plans, perching myself next to the glass and leaning the paper against my knees so that I could write properly.

I can't even fully explain how bad today was, so I'm not going to. I know you like it when I write multiple pages complaining about every single thing under the sun but I'm really not feeling it today. I'm counting down the days until I graduate and can finally see you again after all these years. Remember when we met? I still feel like that tiny child crying lost in the library sometimes, if only you were here to show me the way now.

It feels like this whole place has come to a standstill. Nothing ever happens and the weather never changes, every day bringing the same cloudy skies. You don't know how much I would give to feel the wind in my hair once more. It feels like hours between every tick of the clock in my classrooms, the glares from my teachers lasting longer than my ability to focus on what I'm sewing. I'm finding myself spending even more hours sitting on the windowsill at night, trying to imagine a world past the tree line but it's getting harder every single day.

I think I saw a bonfire the other night and I immediately thought of you. I can't believe it's been five years since I last saw you. I miss you. I'm struggling to work out who to picture when I'm writing these letters. Some days I see the little boy who saved me in the library, other days I see the person who chased after my carriage as I was taken off to yet another boarding school. But recently, I'm trying to think of what you would look like now. I wonder, have you changed your hair at all in these years or are you still trying to copy your big brother? How is he, by the way? You haven't said anything about him since he announced he was engaged. I hope he manages to sort out his wedding soon and it would be amazing if I could go. Lucy sounds like the perfect girl for him.

In complete honesty, I find myself waiting by the door for the postman to arrive just in case he is bringing a letter from you. It genuinely makes my week when I see your scruffy writing calling out my name but I haven't got one from you in a while. Is everything okay?

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