With My Family By My Side (Gruvia) - Part 2

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❄️💧❄️💧1st June ❄️💧❄️💧

"To Gray and Juvia!" The guild roared, holding up mugs of beer and cheering loudly before they drunk themselves silly. No one cared that it was only eight in the morning.

Juvia couldn't stop smiling as she took a sip of water, seeing her family partying around the two of them, their denseness fully coming into light at that moment. After Juvia asked Lucy to spread the news, she expected everyone to know in the next couple of days but, much to Lucy's annoyance, five weeks later and with Juvia looking definitely more pregnant underneath the loose shirts she was wearing on a daily basis, only a few more people knew and thought it was supposed to be a secret so didn't spill it to anyone else. Eventually, Juvia and Gray had to stand up in front of everyone and announce that they were expecting, finally letting the entire guild know about them.

Gray was happy seeing his wife beaming, sitting next to her on the bar as people kept walking up and buying drinks for him. He made it look like he was drinking it so the drunk ones wouldn't be offended but then easily poured it in Gajeel's mug when he wasn't looking. Normally he would have done it to Natsu but the fire dragon slayer wasn't drinking, letting Lucy intoxicate herself for the first time in over a year while he looked over Nashi with a smile.

Juvia spotted the time and elbowed Gray, motioning for them to leave and Gray understood, the two of them sneaking out of the back door while the party in their honour carried on without them. They had an appointment to get to.

Juvia held a bottle of water in her hand, taking regular sips as they made their way over to the hospital together. She was already feeling pretty uncomfortable, the need to pee burning in the back of her mind, but she knew she had to have a full bladder at the hospital for some reason and tried to ignore the feeling as they walked through the halls.

Gray's mind kept wandering back to the image of Natsu deciding not to drink, instead choosing to sit off to the side with Nashi in his arms and a tranquil look on his face, not caring that he was missing out on the party because he had someone that he loved more than anything in the world in his arms. He didn't mind that he wasn't partying hard in celebration of Gray and Juvia's news. He knew that the people drinking themselves silly were doing it because they wanted to drink, using the excuse of a celebration to do it but only celebrating the next mug of alcohol to come into their shaky grips. It didn't matter how many people were slurring out their 'well done's and their 'good on ya's, just as long as he had the ones he held most dear at his side. Truth be told, Gray couldn't wait until he felt like that as well.

Juvia chuckled slightly as she almost tripped over her own feet walking into the hospital, squeezing onto Gray's hand to stop her from falling flat on her face. He easily steadied her, keeping one hand on her arm just in case she were to topple again and he only let go when she gave him a slightly annoyed look as she sat down on a chair, shuffling her feet slightly since her discomfort was reaching its peak.

Luckily enough, they barely had to wait before they were called back into the room, greeting Dr Locane with smiles as she hopped up onto the table.

Juvia was fortunate enough that the doctor started working quickly, understanding that she was uncomfortable and easily found their baby on the screen, now that it had grown much bigger.

"Do you two want to find out the gender?" He asked them, receiving an excited 'yes' in response. He nodded to himself, moving the little white box slightly before he smiled, "congratulations you two, you're having a boy."

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