Chapter 32 - The Circle of Sloth

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Their journey went faster, beyond what was planned. Master Tyrus never allowed any second put to waste no matter how Rower avowed for rest. Each one obliged to take only two bites of libati bread and two gulps of water a day for the next six days. Even Trobit, who cared a lot about his stomach never complained about it.

Victor noticed he yawned a lot. He yearned to go back to sleep and enjoy the comfort of his sleeping bag. He gazed at his companions and caught Trobit rubbing his eyes, and so with Master Tyrus.

They came to another archway. The many burning torches on the stone wall implied they'd entered the tunnel to the circle of sloth, and the entrance was just a few meters away from where they stood.

"I don't feel comfortable with the silence," said Master Tyrus. "Bogle, will you check the area first? We'll wait for you here."

"Yes, sir," said Bogle.

Victor could hardly open his eyes and stay awake. "Is it normal that we feel sleepy even when we overslept?" he asked.

"Not for me," said Rower. "Tired ... yes, sleepy ... no."

"We've been in this quest for eighteen days now," said Master Tyrus. "We lack food, sleep, and we're on the run all the time—I think our bodies are shutting down. We're all exhausted. We need more food and rest, and sunlight particularly."

"Sunlight? What about sunlight?" Rower asked, his voice expressing deep concern.

"We sun fairies absorb energy from the sun. During autumn and winter when sunlight is scarce, we have our wands to sustain us and give us powers. Here in the Darkworld, we're deprived of those powers, our wands are of no use, and there's no sun to give us energy. As a result, even if we eat and rest, we still feel weak."

"You feel weak ... like now ... you feel sleepy, then—"

"Yes—we feel sleepy and weak," interrupted Master Tyrus. He didn't want to elaborate more so as not to scare the two boys. Feeling sleepy was the first sign that their bodies need sunlight, feeling weak was another. If the situation remained the same for many days, death eventually would cross their paths. It would be a painless death as they simply fall asleep and stop breathing.

Rower understood the tone and it's very alarming for him. They knew well the consequences of coming to the Darkworld. Their lives were at stake, and yet, they came to rescue him. He should take the effort now, seek ways on how to retrieve the key from his heart. This was his main task and he must not fail them. He should act now before it's too late, but how? 

It's also clear for Victor that the situation in the Darkworld would reach this point. He felt a prick of pain and guilt in his heart for his companions. But he's not giving up, as long as there's time, there's hope. 

"We'll manage," said Master Tyrus to uplift their spirits. "We've reached the seventh circle, and who knows by tomorrow, we're already in Solandia." He refused to meet their gazes for his eyes might mirror his thoughts and fear, the same fear expressed by Queen Magenta and King Godfred before they left Solandia. It had already begun.

"Can we rest here for a while?" said Trobit. "I feel so lazy and sleepy."

"Oh boy, you're in trouble," said Victor.

Trobit's eyes grew wider after realizing what he had just uttered. "Oh no, not me!" he swallowed. "Not me please ... I don't feel lazy ... I don't feel lazy."

After a few minutes, Bogle came back. "The circle isn't that bad. The place is quiet; the people are just running all the time."

"That's good to know," said Master Tyrus in a lazy tone.

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