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Louis pushed Harrys seat in once he was comfortable. He settled across from him.

Louis held Harrys hand over the table. Harry was giggly from the wine. Louis' foot rubbed up and down Harrys calf. Harry built up the courage to ask Louis a question that had been bugging him. "Lou." Louis looked up from the menu. The pale boy in front of him, cheeks turned red. "Are you a virgin?" Louis' eyes went wide. He sipped down some water. He reconnected his eyes with Harrys. Who was still waiting for an answer. "Yes Haz. I am." Harry looked down at his lap and smiled.

Harry couldn't describe the feeling that went through him. He didn't think Louis was. The fact that he was made Harry happy. "Sorry about the delay boys. Do you have any ideas?" Harry hadn't even looked at the menu. All Louis did was distract him. Louis' fingers brushed over his knuckles. "Do you know baby?" Harry shook his head. "I'll order for the both of us." Harry smiled. "Is that okay with you?" Harry nodded quickly. Louis let a chuckle leave his lips. "Okay. We'll have, the chicken wrapped in parma ham. With the side of mash." The hand motions Louis was doing along with the order was causing Harry to giggle loudly. Eyes from all over looked at the two boys.

"No! I believe Darcy was arrogant. He was lucky to be with someone like her." Louis threw his head back. "Hazza. Baby. Elizabeth wanted him the whole time." Harry crossed his arms and shook his head. "That doesn't work. Enemies to lovers Lou. It's the plot line." Louis reached across and smoothed out Harrys forehead lines. "Whatever you say baby." Harry nodded. "I'm always right." Louis tilted his head sideways. "I wouldn't say always." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Here you go boys." The waiter placed their plates down in front of them. Harry squeaked. The amount of food on his plate threw him off. "You don't have to eat it all my love. Thank you sir." The waiter nodded and walked off. "Jeez. That guy is getting on my last nerve." Harry pulled his eyebrows together. "Why? He's being so nice." Louis chuckled. He placed his napkin in his lap. "How oblivious you're, is adorable to me." Harry frowned. "What do you mean?" Louis cut a piece of his chicken. An amused smile across his face. "He's been checking you out the whole time." Harry threw his head back in laughter. "Yeah right." Louis sucked in a breath. He looked up at the small boy. Who genuinely didn't believe him.

"Harry." He looked up from his plate. He smiled. "Yes Lou." Louis took a deep breath. "There's a reason I asked you to this dinner." The small boy ate much slower than Louis did. He watched as Harry became anxious. "Oh. Uhm. What is it?" Louis smiled at him. His curls laying around his face. He looked like an angel under the lighting. Louis grabbed his hand. "Harry. I think you're so beautiful, kind, funny, and overall one of the best person I've ever met." Harrys cheeks flushed bright red. His breathing picked up. Louis had this nervous feeling in his tummy. "You're an angel. my angel. I really like you." Harry nodded. Shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Urging him to go on.

"Harry, will you please be my boyfriend." Harry gasped. His hands shook around. Happy hands once again. A huge smile plastered across his face. They were the only ones left in the outside area. Harry sprung from his chair. Louis caught him. Harry crashed his lips onto Louis' sloppily. "Is that a yes?" Harry giggled. "Yes dummy. Of course." Louis pecked Harrys soft lips. A warm, fuzzy feeling coming over him. His hand rubbed the back of Harrys thigh. "I think I'm ready to go back to the hotel." Harry squirmed around in the older ones lap. Louis nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We just have to get the check." Harry nodded. Louis grew excited.

The symphony was playing that night. The streets were empty. They walked at a normal pace. Harry began to sway to the music as they crossed the street. You could hear the orchestra faintly. Louis watched him fondly. He placed his hands on Harrys hips. Harry wrapped his hands around Louis' neck loosely. Louis pulled Harry as close as he could. The two began to sway under the stoplight together. Louis spun Harry around before dipping him. Harry burst into a fit of giggles.It felt like a scene out of a movie. Like they were the only ones in the world.

They stood in the Elevator. Dangerously close. Fingertips brushing against one anothers. A comfortable silence between them. Harry turned and grabbed Louis by the shoulders. He had a different emotion in his eyes. Louis couldn't read them for once. Louis' hands wondered down Harrys back. "God. You're gorgeous." Harrys lips parted. "Thank you daddy." Louis squeezed Harrys bum. Harry let a small whimper leave his mouth. Louis felt his tummy do a flip. Harry ran his hands through Louis' hair.

The doors dinged open just as the two leaned in. Louis intertwined their fingers. They darted out the elevator. They ran down the hall hand in hand. Until they reached their door. Louis pushed Harry up against it. A groan leaving him. Louis leaned down and kissed Harry eagerly. Like he could never get enough of him. Lust behind it. Harry gripped at the tallers biceps. Louis fumbled with the keycard. Lips never leaving Harrys.

When the door finally opened they stumbled in. Sparks flew around the room. A fire ignited between them.

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