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Louis stares up at the ceiling. Zayn pestering him with questions he didn't have answers to. He decided to go over there instead of going home.

"Zayn. I honestly don't know." The bed dips next to him and slides over slightly. "Well I don't think you'd have these 'thoughts' if you didn't have some kind of feelings." Louis squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. "I mean. I sorta had a crush on him when we were younger. But, I was like six and Mark told me that I wasn't allowed to like Harry in that way." Zayn scoffs. "Who the fuck does he think he is? You don't tell people what they can and can't do." Louis moves his fringe out of his eyes. "Zayn it's okay. He's the only father figure I had. I took all my advice from him." Zayn bites down on his fingernail. "I don't know. Sounds a bit homophobic to me." Louis nods. "I just didn't think I'd still feel this way." Zayn chuckles. "Maybe you guys are like soulmates or some shit." Louis chuckles.

Harry lays his head on Nialls shoulder. "Y'know. It sounds like he likes you as well." Harry giggles. "Yeah right. Are you crazy. He's straight." Niall pets Harrys hair. Turning to face him. "Oh my sweet Harry. My innocent little Harry." Harry pushes him off and raises an eyebrow. Niall crosses his arms and gives him an are you kidding me right now look. "Everything you just described to me, is so sexual tension." Harry gasps. "No it's not." Niall nods. "Let's see. He adjusted his jeans in front of you, his breathing can be weird at times, he seems to have little moments were he stutters. Should I continue?" Harry places his hands over his ears. "None of that matters, he's straight. I'm not going to disrespect him." Niall shrugs. "I'm just saying. I know a little fruity man when I see one." Harry punches his arm. "Ow! That hurt you little twink." Harry covers his mouth to hold back his laughter.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Niall asks softly. Harry nods but avoids eye contact with the blonde boy. "Harry. Tell me the truth." Harry sighs. "No." Niall grabs the small boys wrist. "Let's go eat tacos!" Harry shrugs. "Yes Har! It'll be fun! Taco Hell is always great." Harry chuckles. "Okay Ni." Niall does a victory dance on the inside. He pulls the boy all the way downstairs and out the house before he has time to change his mind. 

"The girl from the party you remember her right." Harry nods. "Well, I took her on a date like three days ago." Harry smiles. "A date? Really." Niall nods along with a mouthful of food. "That's really great. What's her name?" Niall chugs down his drink. "Her names Amelia. She's really pretty. I really like her." Harry finishes his last taco. "For real?" Niall nods. "For real."Harry pushes one of his loose curls back "Well that's really great honestly." Niall smiles. "I think it's great that you ate four tacos without stopping." Harrys cheeks flush. "Guess I was little hungry." Niall makes a small smile. Harry avoids eye contact with the boy.

Harry places the daisy Louis brought him in a small vase. "It's so pretty." He coos for the tenth time. Louis rolls his eyes. "You always seem to have one. Either in your hand or tucked in your hair. So I picked it for you." Harry smiles. "Well thank you." Louis shoves his hands into his pockets and nods. "New years eve is tomorrow." Harry frowns. "This break felt like nothing." Louis nods. "I feel like winter holiday should be like a month long. Not two weeks." Harry chuckles. "If we got out of habit for a month. We'd never want to go back." Louis smirks. "You have a point. Smart boy." Harry pauses. Louis raises and eyebrow before Harry continues wiping down the counter. Something about the way Louis praised him felt nice. "Gigi told me about a party. At Nick's. I don't know who Nick is. But, we could go with them." Louis shakes his head. "That's sounds alright with me Haz." Harry smiles.

Harry lays his head in Louis' lap. The fabric of his sweater itching Louis' arm. "I think this will always be one of my favorite movies." Louis looks back up at the tv. His attention leaving the curly haired boy in his lap. "Really? The Phantom of the Opera." Harry nods. A fit of giggles coming soon after. Louis reluctantly pushes his fingers through his hair. Harry sighs. Louis pulls his hand back. "I'm sorry. It just looked so soft. And it is." Harry giggles. "It's okay. It was nice." Louis smiles down at the boy looking up at him.

Louis doesn't remember falling asleep. But he wakes up with Harry's arms wrapped around his waist. His chin resting on the top of Harrys head. The front door closes. He looks up at the doorway. Anne places her keys in the tray before stepping into the living room. "Just like old times huh?" She asks Louis. Louis smiles and nods. "The two of you always had a special bond. None of us could wrap our heads around it." Louis sighs. "Do you want me to wake him up?" Louis shakes his head. "It's fine. I'll just sleepover." Anne chuckles. "Okay. I'll be upstairs if you need me." Anne disappears out the living room. Harry nuzzles further into Louis. Louis sighs before settling down further into the couch.

What has he gotten himself into? Is the question he ponders until sleep overcomes him again.

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