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Harry and Louis walked over to their mums. Hands never leaving one another's.

"Took you boys long enough." Louis' mum stood with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm so sorry Ms.Jay. It's my fault." Louis squeezed Harrys hand. Silently telling him that he was okay. That he had him. "It's okay love. We just wanted to be able to start early." Harry nodded. Louis leaned down to his height. "Breathe. It's okay baby." He whispered to the small boy. Who obeyed him by taking a deep breath in and then out.

London looked much different during the day. Cars and people were everywhere. Louis liked the city rush. He definitely wanted to move here after high school. Harry also wanted to move here. Not because he enjoyed the city life. He enjoyed the calm countryside that was surrounding it. "Should we do Big Ben or The London Eye first boys?" Harry looked up at Louis. "I'd like to do the London Eye. Is that okay with you Haz?" Harry nodded. "London's quite big." Louis threw his head back in laughter. "You do talk some shit, don't you Haz?" Louis' mum scoffed. "Louis Tomlinson! Watch your language!" He threw his hands up in defeat. But, the laughter never died down.

"Y'know. Niall was telling me about some lake trip. Are you boys going along with them?" Harry pulled his eyebrows together. "Why were you talking to Ni?" Anne chuckled. "He's practically my third child." Harry shook his head. "I was going to ask you. But, I've been caught up with other things." His eyes drifted to the hand resting on his thigh. "I think they should go Anne. They've been so caught up with each other. Some outsiders would do them good." Anne nodded along.

"Mummy. I think we should get food first." Harry giggled. Louis always said mummy when he really wanted something. Jay sighed. "Lou, honey. You should of said that earlier." Louis pouted. Pulling the earbud out his ear. "So, we aren't getting anything to eat?" His mum rolled her eyes. "Harry, are you hungry?" Harry looked up at a pleading Louis. He giggled and nodded. "I could eat." Louis pecked his forehead. "Good god." She leaned forward to tell the driver of the new plans. He nodded along. Laughing when she mentioned how much of a baby her son was.

They walked through the glass doors. The restaurant was small and well lit. They followed behind their mothers. Like little shadows. Harrys pink skirt rode up his thigh slightly as he climbed in the booth. Louis huffed and pulled it down. An old man was already watching him creepily. He definitely didn't want his thoughts answered. Louis also didn't want to get in a fight today.

"Hello. I'm Cynthia. Can I start you off with anything." Her eyes lingered on Louis much longer than Harrys liking. Anne chuckled from the the other side of the table. Grabbing the girls attention. "I think I'm going to have a Paloma." She scribbled on her little pad. Jay nodded. "Make that two." Louis rolled his eyes and pointed at them. Making Harry giggle. She turned to look at the two of them. Harry grew anxious. He didn't like talking to people. "For you boys?" She never gave Harry a second glance. Louis' hand came down to grip Harrys small thigh. "I know baby's going to want water." Harry smiled. He leaned his head on the tall boys arm. The waitress pushed her blond hair back. A scoff leaving her mouth. Louis chuckled. What he wanted to happen did and he felt accomplished. "I'll have an Ice Tea." She nodded and walked off. Embarrassment clear on her face.

Harry wrapped his whole hand around one of Louis' fingers. He giggled at this. Louis finally looked down and saw why he was laughing so hard. "It's cute." He pecked his cheek. Harry rolled his eyes and huffed. "You think everything's cute." Louis smirked. "Nope. Only everything you do baby." Harry rolled his eyes. Trying to hold back his laughter.

"Okay. I have fish and chips for you. And for you as well." Harry smiled. The girls features soften and she seemed to relax. She had been on hinge since the whole drink ordering mess. Harry pushed the food on his plate around. "Can we get another round as well love?" She nodded at the two middle aged women. Louis wrapped his arm around Harrys waist. Pulling him closer to him in the booth. He leaned down to his ear. "C'mon love. You have to eat some." Harry nodded. He popped a chip in his mouth. Louis nodded. Squeezing his hip every time he took a bite.

"You did so good. Look it's all gone." Harry smiled. He liked when Louis was proud of him. He wanted Louis to always be proud of him. Harry smiled. He puckered up his lips. In hopes Louis would give him a kiss. Louis rolled his eyes playfully. He leaned down and gave him a soft kiss. It was quick. But, Harry didn't mine.

"I need to go to the rest room before we leave." Their mums nodded. Taking it as time for another drink. Louis stood up. "I'll go with you." Harry nodded. His protectiveness was cute. Louis honestly was going so that old creeper man didn't follow him in there. If Harry ever got hurt, Louis would never forgive himself. He needed to protect Harry from everything. Harry was a fragile daisy in Louis' mind. A daisy he had to hold on to and protect always.

Harry was leaned against the counter. Waiting for Louis to walk out the stall when the door opened. The old man stared at him. Harry shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. He felt his breathing pick up. He did the only logical thing he could think of. "Lou. Are you almost done love?" Basically telling the man that the boy he was with, was also present in the bathroom. "Yes Haz. I'm coming you clingy boy." The stall door clicked open. The older man took a step back from Harry. Louis rushed over to Harrys side. Pulling him in front of him. As he faced the counter. The door shut and Harry sighed. He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist as he washed his hands.

"That was terrifying." Louis pulled on his hair. He wrapped his strong arms around Harrys neck. "I should've just made you go in the stall with me. Fuck. I could kill that guy." They stood outside on the sidewalk. A good six feet from their mums. "Lou. It's okay. I'm fine." Louis shook his head. "If I wasn't there. Who knows what would have happened." Louis had a million thoughts racing in his mind. "It's okay. Lou. Deep breaths." Louis followed the small boys instructions. "C'mon now lads! The taxis here." They shuffled closer to their mums. Louis trying to keep Harry in his grip.

Louis held a firm grip on Harrys hand. He didn't want the boy to slip away. After today's event. Get hurt. He vowed from that moment on to protect him. From anyone or anything that would try to hurt him.

He would protect his boy, his baby, his everything from whatever.

when we were younger  l.s.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें