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For as long as Harry could remember he enjoyed pretty things. He preferred pink over blue. Skirts over sweatpants. Sweaters over hoodies.

That's why when he started stealing Gemmas clothes no one was surprised. Or when he started high school and chose the plaid skirt over the plaid pants for his uniform.

Per usual he stands in front of his mirror with shaky hands. Louis and his mum are coming over for dinner. Harry doesn't know if he should wear a skirt or tone it down.

He hasn't seen him in over nine years. People change. This skirt should be fine. It's modest and simple. He told himself.

But it's Harry. And as always Harry had to add fishnets under his skirt. With a satisfied smile he makes his way downstairs.

"Mum when will they be here?" His mum surfaces from the kitchen. She wipes her hands down on her apron. "Jay said six thirty." Harry glances up at the clock and gives her nod. "I like your outfit. A little more on the modest side." Harry groans and plops down on the couch. Anne chuckles before wondering back in the kitchen.

Harry scrolls through Twitter when the bell rings. A sudden nervousness rushes over him. He jumps up from the couch. "Harry honey. Get the door please!" Harry swallows and takes faint steps towards the door.

The bell rings again and he pulls the door open. "Harry dear! How nice it is to see you." Jay coos while pulling him for a hug. Harry smiles bright. His eyes never leaving the boy behind her. Although his eyes never leave his phone screen.

Jay jabs Louis in the side. "Please be more polite." Louis groans and looks up. He sucks in a breath when his eyes meet Harrys. Jay pushes past Harry into the house. He moves out the way so Louis can come through the door.

It obvious Johannah has made it to the kitchen when you hear two middle aged women squeal. Louis groans and shakes his head. "All I've heard about today is how excited she is." Harry mentions through giggles. Louis nods.

Louis' eyes rake down Harrys body. "Wow have you changed." Harry blushes. He nods slowly. Louis sighs. "Boys!" Anne calls from the kitchen.

"You coming?" Louis asks from the doorway of the kitchen. Harry just nods. Giggling like a schoolgirl on the inside. All the feelings he once held for the boy resurfacing. His feathery brown hair pushed up into a quiff. His skin tan. His all black outfit making his blues eye pop.

Louis sits across from him. Just like back then. They share awkward glances back and forth all through out dinner. Harry keeps to himself. Only speaking when spoken to. He moves the food around on his plate. He's not really in the mood to eat.

"Where's Robin?" Johannah asks while Anne refills her wine glass. Harry rolls his eyes and his mum gives him a warning look. "He's on a business trip." Anne lies coolly. Jay nods and decides not to push the topic. Louis cocks an eyebrow at Harry and his reaction to the mention of his step father.

Harry sits on the recliner. While his mum and Jay sit on the couch. Louis settling for the ottoman. Louis would've sat with him. If they were eight still. "Mum. Zayn's here." He's only been here a week and already seems to have more friends than me. "Oh right! Of course! Give me a hug before you leave." She embraces him and Harry can't help but smile. "Why don't you take Harry. I bet he doesn't want to stuck here with us." Louis laughs awkwardly.

Harry stands by his closet. Louis leaned against the doorframe. "I don't understand why I have to change." Zayn pops back into the room. "Well it's a party. Plus we don't want you to get hurt. Men cannot control themselves." Harry scoffs. "You have a point." Louis makes no conversation with the younger. "Do you know if Niall will be there?" Zayn laughs. "Niall Horan? The Irish one?" Harry nods. "Well obviously. He's the biggest partier I've ever met." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Why though? You like him?" Louis sucks in a breath at this. Finally looking up to the two of them. Harrys face flushes. "No. He's just my friend." Louis sighs. "Well. You need to hurry. I don't want to miss all the good stuff." Zayn shoos Louis out the door and closes it behind them.

Harry sighs. This is the last thing he wanted to do.

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