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Louis tossed and turned in bed all night. Sleep being the one thing he wanted. But it never came.

His mind never shutting off. He couldn't stop thinking about the necklace. Why would the small and fragile green eyed boy keep it. After all this time. He couldn't wrap his brain around it. 

"Mum?" Louis' mum looked up from the magazine she'd been flipping through. "Would you keep something that someone gave you a long time ago? Like even if you hadn't seen them in years?" The question had been bouncing around in his head all night. He finally worked up enough courage to ask. She sips her tea. "Yes. If you really care about the person, something as simple as an object, or even a note would hold substantial sentimental value." Louis nods. "Where does this come from?" Louis waves his hand. "Just a thought I guess." His mum nods.

"I'm off to work Lou. Why don't you go hang out with Harry. I don't want you on that game all day." His mother shouts from the front door. He groans and mumbles a 'goodbye'. He doesn't think he can be around the small boy. Louis is most definitely one hundred percent straight. Yet there's something about Harry.

He walks up the driveway slowly. Unlike when he was small child. He'd run up the steps and straight into the house. Not even a courtesy knock. He noticed Annes car is gone. His mum and Harrys mum work at the same hospital. Neighbors and coworkers. The pair were bound to be friends.

Louis knocks thrice. He wipes his hands down the front of his jeans. Hoping Harry is in something with more fabric. His milky skin could send him into a coma. The door swings open. To reveal Harry. Dressed in a tiny plaid tennis skirt and long stockings.

Louis swallows hard. Trying to keep his eyes on Harrys. "Good morning Harry. May I come in?" Harry nods and shuffles out the way. Letting a distressed Louis through the door.

Harry brings Louis a cup of tea and sits on the opposite end of the couch. They sit in an awkward silence. Neither knowing what to say. Louis coughs to clear the air. Harry tucks his legs under him. His skirt riding up his thigh slightly. Louis feels his stomach flip. He lifts up slightly to adjust his black skinny jeans. "Do you want to like,  watch tv or something?" Louis chuckles. Harry's completely oblivious to the state the straight man sitting next to him is in. "Sure. We can watch tv."

Harry flips through the channels. For the tenth time. Causing Louis to laugh. "Some things never change." Harry scoffs. "What do you mean?" He fakes sadness. "You still flip through the channels multiple times. As if the shows will change." Harry giggles and cover his eyes. "Well I'm sorry it's disappointing." Louis shakes his head.

"We could always watch a dvd. Mum still has all of them." Louis sighs. "Better than what's on tv." Harry walks over to the entertainment center. He squats down in front of the cabinet. Louis peels his eyes away and instead rests them on the clock on the wall. He vaguely remembers a family photo resting there before.

"Louis." Harry breaks him out of his trance. "Oh sorry." Harry blushes. "It's okay. I just don't know what you want to watch." Louis nods and moves down to the floor with him. "What about this?" He pulls the SuperBad case off the shelf. Harry shrugs. "Fine with me." He stands back up. Taking the case from Louis' hand. His small dainty fingers ghosting across Louis' skin. The feeling that goes through him when their skin touches is not like any other feeling.

"This part gets me everytime." Harry says through heavy panting. Louis tries his best to control his thoughts. "Like, Evan is totally gay." I snap my head over to him. "Gay?" I shake my head. "I mean obviously. Why else wouldn't he let that girl y'know." The innocence behind his words intrigued Louis. "Suck his dick?" Louis asks with a raised eyebrow. Harrys face goes red. "Don't say it." He scolds. Louis chuckles. "It's because she's drunk Haz." Harry stills. Louis cuts his eyes over at him. He snaps out of his trance and giggles. "Maybe. I just didn't think boys denied those kind of things."

Harry went to order a pizza for the two boys. Louis couldn't help his wondering eyes on the back of Harry's thighs as he left the room. He didn't realize how much he missed the boys company until he was in it. It wasn't like when they were younger. There's a weird tension that fills the air between the two of them.

Harry walks back in room with a bag of gummies. This time instead of sitting at the end of couch. He settles in the middle seat. He pulls his legs up under him again. His foot rests against Louis' leg. "It should be here in twenty minutes." Louis nods. His eyes never leaving the close proximity between them. "Can I have a gummy?" Harry rolls his eyes and hands him a grape one. "Still your least favorite?" Louis asks before popping it into his mouth. Harry nods a small smile playing on his lips. "And let me guess. Watermelon is still your favorite." Harry nods with a mouthful of gummies. "Well. You are a creature of habit." Harry rolls his eyes. "My mother says the same thing." Louis chuckles. "Your mum is a smart woman."

Louis fills Harry in on the bits of his life he's missed. Harry listens intently and nods when he's supposed to. Louis has to fight the urge not to lean forward and kiss his plump pink lips. Harry rests his head on Louis' shoulder. Louis breath hitches. He takes in the small boys strawberry scent.

The bell rings and Harrys on his feet seconds flat. "Just a moment." He mumbles before walking out the room. Louis releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

Maybe he does need this friendship again after all.

when we were younger  l.s.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat