Chapter Eleven (Part II)

Start from the beginning

"How many months you say you were again?" She asked studying my stomach.

"Five in a few days." I answered without any thought to what she was tryna get at.

"Wow... You sure it's not twins?"

"I'm sure. I'm just big as hell" I chuckled lightly.

I knew I was a little big but I didn't think it was that noticeable; and people wonder why I feel so fat. We continued on with small talk the rest of the way. I knew I'd regret parking so far away, my big self was out of breath.

The minute we reached my car I lost composure and the tears began to fall. I was so embarrassed, and all I wanted to do was get home.

"I know, I know. Come on relax yourself; for all we know she could be lying." She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"That still doesn't change the fact that he slept with her"

"Correct, but that also doesn't mean that the baby is his either. Everybody knows Trice is a whore. See I told him not to fool around with her project ass anyway"

I laughed as I watched her whole demeanor switch from sweet and composed, to hood. So clearly Ms. Rhea plays no games; I could use her on my team.

"You good girl?" I laughed bringing her back to reality.

"Oh, sorry. Sometimes I just go from 0-100 real quick. But anyway, you can never trust a female like her, and as far as Rich is concerned? He was dead ass wrong but I know for sure that he loves you and will let nothing come between his family. Now I'm not sayin let his ass off the hook, but don't give up on my bro so soon. He cares about you Quanni; he has a dumb ass way of showing it but, he does." She pleaded.

"You're right. Thanks Rhea, you've been a big help today and I really appreciate it. Hit me up sometimes." I called out through the window as I pulled out of the parking lot.

I was definitely taking what she said into consideration but I just don't know how much more I'm supposed to take. He acts like its so damn difficult to be honest with me. I wanted to go somewhere to clear my head, but if I went home then my folks would know that something was up. So I just swallowed my pride and went back to Rich's place. I took a bubble bath to relax, then threw on a pair of Nike shorts and one of his T-shirts. To keep from having to see him I settled down in the guest room and popped in a movie. Miss Congeniality hadn't been on for five minutes before I was drifting off to sleep.


I was sleeping good until I woke up to what smelled like homemade tacos. See Rich isn't playing fair; he knows I like to eat. I tried with everything in me to keep from getting up, but I had to use the bathroom anyway. When I finished my business and stepped back inside the room there he was with a plate in his hand watching sports center. I rolled my eyes and got back in the bed. I was gonna ask where Skye was but that meant speaking to him, plus it was half past 8 pm. so she was definitely sleep. I'm sure all her energy is gone from her party anyway.

I checked my phone to see if I had any messages because I'd had it on Do Not Disturb since I got here earlier. Sure enough there were 12 missed calls from Rich, 2 from Sr. his dad, and 1 from his wife. There was also one from a private caller but I didn't pay it any mind. I sat my phone back down and got comfortable again; after I was settled Rich handed me a plate with two soft shell tacos and a bag of Nacho cheese Doritos along with a can of Arizona grape juice. I may have been mad but there was no way I was gonna turn down any food.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I began to eat.

He sat back in the bed and attempted to put his arm around me but I moved over. I could sense his irritation but he had no right. He sat there in silence and continued watching highlights from the game until I guess he couldn't take it anymore.

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