Dimitri's POV (Chapters 4 - 6)

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"Thank God Dimitri is here," Lucan says throwing his hands up in the air as I approach.

I raise my eyebrow while I take a seat on the floor next to him. "Do I even want to know why you are excited to see me?"

"Because we need your skills." Tray says sounding frustrated. 

I give all the guys a shocked look, "sorry guys I don't swing that way. I'm flattered though."

Someone throws a controller at me which I easily catch.

"Not what we fucking meant and you know it," Tray snaps.

I raise my eyes to Ryder hoping he can shed some light on to what the fuck is going on. 

He rolls his eyes before responding, "We keep getting our asses kicked by this particular group. And Tray is about to put his foot through the Xbox because of it."

"No," Mason yells throwing himself in front of the Xbox.  "You can't hurt the precious. Me needs my precious."

I shove Mason out of the way, "chill Gollum. You guys do realize that you are probably playing against some preteens."

"Don't remind us," Lucan grumbles. "Will you please work your magic?" He asks shoving a headset at me.

I take it unsure what to do. We don't usually play with headsets in fear someone will recognize us. Unless we are playing with people we know. We also tend to change our Xbox player tags a few time a year and never accept friend request from people we don't know. 

I slip the headset on. "They beating you guys that badly I need to fully go in." They all nod their heads yes and I can't help, but laugh. The guys grab the other headsets to listen in, with Mason and Tray sharing. 

"Hello," I say. "My friends are telling me that you've been kicking their asses."

And with that it turns into an all out war against a group of thirteen year old's. Surprisingly I find myself relaxing and having fun like old times. With very little help from my friends I'm able to revenge them and win. In fact I win a handful of matches in a row. The atmosphere on the bus changes with each win.  As we are playing I tell them I have one more in me and that if they win I would tell them a secret. 

Unknowingly to my friends I let the boys win. Figuring they gave us a great way to pass the time on a boring bus that they deserve to know who they were playing against. Of courses they demanded their prize.

"Have you ever heard of Steel Wolf?" I ask them leaving the question time to linger.

"Yeah," one says, "I love their music! I saw them in concert a few weeks ago. What about them?"


Then another one chimes in. "I knew it! I knew it! I thought I recognized your voice. Your Dimitri Brandt! Aren't you?"

"I am," I say holding the headphones away from my ear because of all the screaming.

"We've been playing against Steel Wolf! Best day ever!" One yells. 

"Thank you for an entertaining morning and afternoon." I tell them.

We exchange a few more words before the bus reaches our destination and we are forced to turn the Xbox off. Since we had hit some unexpected traffic we had arrived later that we had originally planed. I'm sure Aubree was having a mental breakdown over it. We didn't even have time to do a sound check. This has happened before we would do just fine. I'm sitting in the dressing room waiting for when we were to go on  when I remember to check my phone. There is a text waiting from Skylar. 

My Best Friend the Rockstar (Book 1 Steel Wolf Collection)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora