"You'd be better off staying here with your precious bowman, he seems to like you, why don't you let him have your heart rather than an old fool like me." He sneered bitterly towards her Fiona felt her heart crack slightly and teared up, horrified that he would even think she would go to Bard rather than stay with him.

Realisation suddenly dawned on her. He had seen Bard kiss her...

"That's why your angry with me? Because he kissed me and you got possessive and jealous. I'm not an object Thorin, I'm a person with feelings!" She cried quietly She felt angry, hurt and betrayed. Thorin noticed the water below the boat bubbling and his eyes widened. But it calmed as well as Fiona took a deep breath.

"Thorin. I gave you my heart to guard under lock and key. I let you in and you think I would go to him? I don't feel anything for him. It's always been you. I am going weither you like it or not, because I have other dwarves to protect so jut don't, don't even talk to me." She whispered. She went on the boat and sat in the back. She didn't look at him as he sat down, regretting what he had said. He glanced back and saw a stray tear roll down her cheek. He cursed under his breath. Then music began to play loudly as the master of the lake stood up on a platform. He smiled as everyone cheered and clapped.

"Bring good fortune to all!" The master called out to the townsfolk. The master smiled at the boat was pushed from the docks. But a foot landing on the front of it stopped it from going anywhere. Thorin looked to Amanda.

" What are you doing?" He growled as Amanda sent him the worst possible glared she could muster. Amanda leaned over and was right in his face with a killer look in her eyes that scared even him.

" Listen to my words carefully. I have no idea what you have done that has scared Fiona into tear and you better hope I don't find out. But if you hurt her this much ever again. I will not only kill you personally. I will make sure you suffer in ways that even orcs could not fathom. King or no king, you mark my words." Amanda growled to him, her face deadly with no remorse. Before she left him staring at her as she took her foot from the boat and allowed them to sail off.

" What was that about?" Fili asked Amanda as he walked up to him. Amanda shook her head as she glared at Thorin who looked back to Amanda, he knew he words were true and it scared him slightly. With her death glare firmly upon him he turned his head away.

"Goodbye!" Dori yelled out to them. Bofur burst through the lines of people looking out of breath. He then turned and seen the four left behind.

"Ah! So you missed the boat as well?" Bofur smiled as well, happy he was not the only one. But Kili groaned in pain and fell to his side. Fili grabbed him to stop him falling as Amanda looked to his pale face. Her eyes wondered around unable to focus. Amanda looked to his wound.

"Kili? Kili!" Kili looked to him then Amanda with fear.

" What is happening?" Fili asked her.

" He has been poisoned by the arrow." Amanda said looked to him.

" Kili stay with us." Amanda growled to him as she helped him to his feet.

"We have to get him help!" Bofur grunted as he helped Kili stand. Amanda thought for a moment before it dawned on her

"Bard..." She whispered

(Meanwhile at the mountain)

The company had found the hidden door before the sun set with relief.

"Let those know, whoever doubted us rue this day!" Thorin cheered. The rest cheered with him but Fiona stood off to the side, refusing to even take part in the small celebration. She was still angry at Thorin for what he had said. Her eyes lingered over to lake town.

'I hope Amanda's ok' she thought.

Back in lake town Amanda could have sworn she heard Fionas voice in her head 'Fiona?'

At the mountain Fiona held in her yelp and covered her mouth 'did you hear me?!' She tested. She was met with silence until...

'Yeah...loud and clear! Holy shit that's so weird!' Amanda replied

'It must be out spiritual connection' Fiona said.

'Clearly Fiona. Everything ok up there?'

Fiona turned to see the dwarves trying to find the key hole 'erm we're getting there...How's things going down there Amanda?' Fiona communicated. She was met with silence for a moment until she heard Amanda groan in worry.

'Kilis getting worse! Fiona, Taurial hasn't shown up like in the movie yet! What am I going to do!?' Amanda sobbed. Fiona could see through Amanda's eyes that they were desperately trying to save Kili from certain death. He was as grey as the dark stormy skies and he thrashed in pain.

'Find the kings foil! Maybe you could do that ritual?' Fiona suggested.

'Only an elf can do that and I'm no elf!' Amanda snapped.

"You have to try Amanda! For Kilis sake you have to!' Fiona yelled. She was met with silence.

'I'll try...in the meantime, YOU stay alive!'

Fiona chuckled lightly 'I will. Be safe' she whispered.

She turned and saw the dwarves desperately try to knock down the wall "what's going on!?" She yelled

"If you had been paying attention you would see we couldn't find the key hole!" Dori snapped. Fiona glared at him.

"Harsh Dori, very harsh" she growled. She kneeled down.

"Out of the way" she said. They all moved away as she ran and rammed the wall with her shoulder but it didn't budge and she dropped right to the ground with a loud huff.

"Well we can scratch that off" she mumbled. She felt Thorins hand take her arm gently but she shrugged it off and growled at him lowly.

"Don't touch me. I'm still mad at you" she hissed. Hurt crossed Thorins features but he sighed and walked away from her.

"The light will shine upon the key hole...that's what it says! What could we have missed?" He asked them. No one spoke. He lowered his head in defeat and dropped the key and walked away. A pang of sympathy hit Fiona but she shook it off as Bilbo said that he couldn't give up now but the king ignored him and began his trek back down the stairs. But he glanced at Fiona and mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry, my love" He knew she heard it but she chose to ignore it. He sighed in defeat and left with the others.

"Last light. Last light, last light..." Bilbo mumbled trying to look at the map. He began to think, tapping his foot while Fiona remained with him.

"Any ideas Fiona?" He asked in defeat. Fiona did know but shrugged, deciding not to say. He sighed until he spotted moonlight coming from the full moon that rose above the sky. Realisation dawned on him.

"The last light is the moon! Come back I found the key hole!" He yelled.

"Thorin! Come back you idiot we have the key hole!" Fiona hollered.

"Oh where's that key! Where is it where is it!?" Bilbo said in frustration. He hadn't realised he kicked the key away. He saw it and gasped but it was stopped by Thorins boot. He looked at him and Fiona while picking up the key. Slowly he made his way to the door that showed him the key hole and put the key in. He unlocked it and he pushed the door open. To Erebor. A wave of fear passed through Fiona's body as she remembered the dragon Smaug would indeed be awake.

She only hoped Amanda would be alright.....

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