What comes next?

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The pair stared into each other's eyes - longingly.

"Come here." Alex smiled as he pulled Thomas in for a chaste kiss.

"You do realize we can't act like this at work, right?" Thomas interjected.

"We won't, this is just for you and me, and work will be as usual."

"As usual." Thomas pecked Alex on the lips once more, finalizing their deal.

Once the taller man turned around to face the sink, Alex gasped, covering his mouth in shock.

"Did I do that?" He asked as he let his hand run down the long angry red marks along Jefferson's back.

"You must be really good in bed if I did that to you."

"Speak for yourself, Ladybug."

Jefferson vaguely gestured towards the mirror, for Alex to see - his neck was covered in hickeys, he let the covers fall to his waist, revealing more love bites covering his body, he really did look like a ladybug.

"I can't go to work like this!" Alex freaked.

Thomas laughed and came up behind him wrapping his hands around his waist peppering more tender kisses on his shoulder.

"It's November, wear a scarf and no-one will notice."

"Yes, no one will notice me with a scarf wrapped all the way around my neck indoors..."

"You got a better idea?"


Alex did not have a better idea but once he looked through his closet in search of a scarf, he found a long-discarded turtleneck and chose to wear it instead along with letting his hair down to hide the hickeys that couldn't be concealed, like the ones behind his ears.

After they had spent all of Sunday together Alexander became a lot more comfortable with being close to Thomas, he was slowly developing a certain level of trust in the man although they did agree not to speak of that night, at least for some time. They had to figure out whatever this was - they definitely weren't together but they would learn this dance pretty quickly. For now, they had decided not to change anything at work and stay cordial to each other, while they could bond and study each other afterward in the comfort of their private space.


The whole week at work was filled with a text conversation that the pair couldn't possibly have aloud, with several pet names coming from Thomas, like Darling and Ladybug, the latter usually being used when describing more raunchy activities...

Alex blushed once more at his phone, putting it away, trying to listen to what Washington was saying during their meeting. His phone buzzed again, he pulled it out thinking it was another text from Thomas but he was wrong.

Lafayette: _You are telling me everything later, don't think I haven't noticed you smiling at your phone all week._

The Caribbean man looked across the room at this friend, who was evidently waiting for it, his face stern. Once the meeting had ended, Alex ran to hide in his office to no avail, Lafayette was so protective, his motherly instincts were suffocating sometimes.

"A quis es que tu écris tous les temps comme ca, hein?" The Marquis stormed into his office.

"Would you quiet down, everyone will hear you!" Alex shushed him.

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