jack-ass double cross

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And believe me, you will be the one to suffer, not me."

The woman took a deep breath.

"Yea, but you forget one thing, you fat fuck."

"And what is that?"

"I have nothing to lose and you have everything."

"You have nothing on me. Nothing that can tie me to anything. It was all your doing."

The woman laughed.

"Maybe not, but you become pretty loose tongued, after eight or nine whiskeys and a b.j. from this dyke.

The cops just might be interested in knowing about what happened to your son in law."

Jackson, momentarily, lost control of the jeep rental. He pulled over to the side of the road, slamming the jeep into park.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I wonder how your daughter, Gail, I believe her name is, would feel, if she knew that her Daddy basically murdered her husband."

Jackson slammed his fits on the steering wheel. His utter folly; wanting to be with a lesbian, could possibly be the ultimate downfall, for him.

"Fucking bitch," he yelled.

The woman laughed.

"See, Jackson, while you were getting drunk and bragging about how you got a dyke to convert, I was just taking it all in.

It is amazing what a man will talk about, while a woman has his penis in her hand.

And believe me, Jack-ass, you spilled the beans."

Jackson closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

"What do you want?"

"I want in. I don't know what you are up to, but I want in. And I want the million dollars that you promised me. I am giving you one hour, to transfer the money to my account. You have the information. I gave it to you the night we were together.

And I want to know exactly what it is aboutTuckamore Bay, that has you all hot and horney."

The woman giggled slightly.

"So, Jackson. I am going to say goodbye for now and I am going to go to the liquor store and buy the most expensive bottle of red wine that they carry. I might even buy a case of the wine. And when I come back home, I had better see a wonderful new balance in my bank account, or I will be on the phone to Lindsay Pike and the RCMP, about how the billionaire, Jackson Lamont, tried to burn down the little motel in Tuckamore Bay.

Do we have an understanding, Jack-ass?"

Jackson fought the urge to tell the woman to go fuck herself.

"Okay, Angie. You win.

Go and buy your fucking wine. I will see to it that the money will be in your account."

"That is a good little boy," Angie laughed.

"And by the way, Jackson. It is little men like you, with their tiny little penises, that turn real women like me, into, as you say, dykes."

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