Chapter 1 Unassuming

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"Jess! Jess! Jesse!"

"Hmmuh?" I answer, blinking hard after feeling my body shaken gently. Slowly I sat up in my bed stretching with a yawning moan.

"Time to wake up, it's 12:30 in the afternoon, my guy."

"Oh..." I reply sheepishly as I look at the digital clock on the black metallic stand in my bedroom. "Well, I'm up now...promise," I added after falling down on my back in bed.

"Hey, no no no, get up!" Andrew grinned as he shook me again, making me laugh.

"fine fine! I get it I get it! I'm up! I'm up!" I laugh harder as I squirm around from his shaking morphing into tickling.

"Good cuz I don't know if I can get through French today without you. Let alone Comm," Andrew grinned as he tossed me a shirt from our dorm closet.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you awake! 'Sides, French is your best subject, you're a natural at it." I called after him with a grin as he left. He is right about communications though, that'd be my forte.

Eventually, I managed to get into and out of the shower. Sliding into an extremely oversized grey sweater over my black tank top, adding in some black skinny jeans to the equation. Straightening and combing my neck-length red hair, or firey mane as Andrew called it.

"You almost ready Andrew?" I shout out of the bathroom door, as I grab my messenger bag from the side of my bed and sliding it onto my shoulders.

"Yeah, been waiting on your cute ass, Jess!"

I couldn't help but grin as I rolled my eyes, joining him as we left our academy dorm for class.

"Hey, Jess?" Andrew grinned down at me, a great thing about being 5 foot even is most people are taller than you. though I especially lucked out due to Andrew being 6'4.


"How do you stay this adorable on the daily? Especially your eyes, seriously they're like both ice blue but also sea green and at the same time neither... I am telling you, they do things to me."

"Shut up, 'sides you're way waaaayyyy more attractive than me. Hands down, you remember how many chicks and dudes too for that matter actually have been checking you out since we got here? It's a lot! There is a reason you are the hottest guy in school Andrew," I said with a chuckle, playfully elbowing him in his side, making him laugh too.

"I guess, but then I found you. I swear it was love at first sight!"

"you're hopeless Andrew. Seriously..."

"Careful there Jesse, you're blushing."

"Shut it," I grin up at Andrew.

"Just saying," he smiled down at me after kissing my head. Which I responded to by hugging his side as we walked through the courtyard of Yancy academy.

I love this man so so much my god. I remember when I used to get ostracized for what are my actual natural looks daily. As far back as 5th grade, people called me a freak or scary. This obviously made making friends a bit hard when everyone avoids you like the plague. Those that didn't avoid were the bullies. Apparently having hair as red as mine, or eyes as fierce as mine was cause for being tormented by degenerates.

Then came Andrew into my life at 7th grade. He stared at me as the rest had, except his gaze did not feel judgmental or disgusted or anything like that, it was much more... fascination. which at first made me feel just as uncomfortable and angry, especially when he kept glancing at me in class, then the hallways, then at lunch. I did not notice it at first, but he had always put himself near me.

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