2 months with a little of emotion-15

Start from the beginning

"Ok love you so much" mads says.
"Love you too" I say and I hang up.

Yes I am really that kind of friend.
I go back to the table.
"What was that?" Josh asks.
"Just a call from home" I say, lying again.
We get back to our chats.

There is the sound of a notification, Jaden's phone.
I already know who that is.
He reads the message, in his face there is a mix of reactions and emotions.
He texts something back. He looks up at me. Then keeps texting.
Oh shit, things are gonna get interesting.

When we finish eating the boys didn't make me pay.
"Can we go get ice cream and eat it somewhere where we can't be disturbed? I have to tell you something" I ask the boys and they nod.

I get into Josh's car. It's just me and him.
"Hey Sophie, what's wrong? After that call you kinda spaced out" he asks. Ok I might tell him the truth, he is like my brother.

"Ok I'll tell you, but if you are gonna tell anyone I'll chop your dick off ok?" I say and he nods.

"Ok you already figured out how I like Jaden, after that fight you two had, I got into his car, and we kissed, but then I told him that I wanted to be best friends because then I'm leaving and all that shit that sucks" I say

"Wait you two kissed?" He cuts me off.
"Yeah not the point tho" I say
"Ok keep going"

"The call I got before was not from home. It was Mads. She asked me if I have any slight feeling for Jaden, knowing we're the convo was going I told her not, that I don't have any feeling for him and that I see him just as a friend, that is a fucking lie but she then told me that she really missed him and she was thinking about texting him again, but that she prioritized my feelings first" I explain.
"But you didn't prioritize your feelings" Josh says.

"Exactly, I'm that kind of friend, Mads deserves to be happy, and Jaden too, and I know I won't get with Jaden because I don't want to be heartbroken in 8 months." I say with some tears in my eyes.
"Soph, what you did was beautiful, also if you didn't have to. I'm going to be here for you everytime, and if you ever feel uncomfortable just say the word... mhhh.... daisy, and I'll get you out of any situation ok?" Josh says, parking in the parking lot we decided to go to.
I nod and I hug him.

We get out of the car and we walk towards some of the other boys. Jaden is sitting texting. I feel tears again knowing who he's texting. Why does it feel so painful? We weren't even a thing.

"Hey did you cry?" Noah asks.
All heads shoot up in my direction.
I freeze. What the hell i'm gonna say.

"Yeah in the car there was a really sad song, that reminds Sophie of something so she got tears" Josh says and I smile at him to thank him.
Jaden keeps looking at me. So I just turn around and sit on the opposite bench, waiting for Griff, Bryce and Megan to come with our DQ orders.

"Sooo what's the news" Blake asks while we eat our ice creams.
"Ok, it's not really a big deal but.... I wrote a song, and Travis decided to produce it, and it's almost ready" I say really fast.

"WHAT?" Josh and Megan scream at the same time. All the boys are really surprised, except for Jaden of course.
They all come and hug me.
Also Jaden, not to be sus.

The hug was weird. If it lasted five seconds more I would have probably started sobbing on his chest.
"When is it coming out?" Griff asks.
"Around thanksgiving" I tell them.
"I'm a proud dad" he says and I giggle.
"We are proud brothers" the boys accept jaden say.
"I'm a proud sisters" Megan says.
And I giggle.
"I'm a proud.. mhm.. Jaden" jaden says.
It hurted. He didn't even say best friend. Why?
The boys exchange looks.

So what?- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now