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It was hours after she had fallen asleep. Bakugo checked the time, he thought that she would take a few hour nap but she's still out cold. It was getting closer to the curfew and he was starting to worry. He contemplated on what to do. He decided to try and wake her up. He stood up and walked over to his bed. He bent down and lightly shook her arm.

"Nora, you should wake up now. It's almost curfew." He said in a soft voice. Instead of waking up she grabbed his arm and pulled him down to her. He stumbled and fell towards her. She had a good grip on his arm now, he was basically leaned over her, his knee on the bed to stabilize himself. "Shit. Nora, you need to wake up." He said to her in a slightly louder tone, the blush on his cheeks raging. She tugged on his arm once more, causing him to fall on the bed next to her. He cursed to himself and looked at her. She snuggled up against him and smiled a little. He didn't know what to do, his body stiffened to her touch. She snaked her arms around his middle, and nuzzled her head into his chest. He sighed and accepted the fact that waking her up was impossible. There was no way he was getting up now either. He got comfortable and wrapped his arms around her as well. He laid there with her as she slept. He did like the contact but he wished that she decided to do this at a different time. The room was silent, except for the sound of her breathing. "You dumbass. You could've chosen a better time for this." He said to her as he stroked her hair. He shook his head and stared at her. "If you wanted this you could've asked me." He said to her, he knew that she couldn't hear him so it was okay. The blush on his cheeks was still raging and he found himself staring at her. She started to stir, and her breathing changed. She yawned and her eyes fluttered open. He stared at her as she woke up. She noticed that this wasn't her bed and there was a body right in front of her, who she has wrapped her arms around. She got worried and looked up to see her friend/crush looking at her. Her cheeks immediately flushed red and didn't know what to say. There was a hand stroking her hair, and an arm strongly wrapped around her waist. "You fell asleep on my bed while you were doing your homework. I let you sleep but it's pretty close to curfew, so I tried to wake you up. You pulled me down here with you." Bakugo said to her as he tried to play it off. Her blush got brighter and her eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize." She said, completely embarrassed. Even though she wanted to disappear from sight she couldn't seem to let go. She liked him being that close to her. He didn't move either, if he was being honest he wanted her to stay. After a little bit of staring at each other they let go and moved away from each other. She checked her phone and it was five minutes until curfew. "Shit. Shit. Shit." She said as she jumped up and gathered her stuff. She looked at Bakugo and stopped for a moment. He was sitting on the edge of his bed watching her. "Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow." She said to him before walking out and rushing down the hall to her own room. He laughed a little bit and bent down to smell his sheets to see if it smelt like her. It did in fact smell like her, causing him to smile. He got ready for bed and when he got under the covers, he took in a big sniff of her scent and smiled a little more. He fell asleep to the thought of her, while she was getting ready for bed. She took off her makeup, changed into something to sleep in, and turned off her lights. She checked her phone for notifications and saw that Bakugo had taken pictures of her while she was sleeping and sent them to her. She smiled at the thought but then looked at her sleeping and cringed. She laughed at it though and set her alarm for the next morning. All throughout the next day, Nora and Bakugo would share glances, this time they were open about it. They would have small conversations throughout the day, both of them still thinking about last night. Their friends watched them try to act like nothing was wrong, they found it hilarious as the two stumbled over their words. The next few days went on like that. The two were too stubborn to do anything or confess even though their feelings grew more and more by the second. Nora could swear that every time she saw him her heart would swell an butterflies wrecked havoc in her stomach. Bakugo was a nervous mess around her but he hid it well enough to where she had no idea. He was oblivious that she liked him too, most of it being the fact that he's convinced himself that she'll never like him like that. After about two weeks of whatever was going on between them Nora got tired of it. She wanted answers, and she hated being a stuttering blubbering mess around him. She was almost certain that she was going to get rejected but she needed to know for sure. It was a Saturday evening, the curfew was a bit later on the weekends so most were hanging out in the common room and talking. Nora and the other girls were talking quietly, Nora telling them her plan. They were sworn to secrecy about it, and then she got up. She walked over to Bakugo, who was sitting on the couch next to his friends. She bent down, it was now or never. "Hey Bakugo, could I talk to you?" She asked him quietly. He looked at her and nodded. He wondered what it was for, he got up and followed her into the empty hall with his hands in his pockets. She lead him around the corner, making sure that they were in private before she started talking.

You And Me Against The World (Katsuki Bakugo love story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now