Nora's POV

Sunday was more of a calm day, there was no fight, there was no yelling. It was calm. The Deku squad wanted to watch some movies with me so of course I watched movies with them. We watched them in the living room. We all cuddled up on the couch, it was really a big mess of blankets and pillows, with people mixed in the middle. Deku sat in between my legs on the floor. Tenya sat next to me on the left with Tsuyu cuddling up next to him on his left. Shoto was on my right, with Uraraka cuddling up next to him on his right. We all had blankets and pillows. During the movies I ended up giving Deku some head scratches as I played with his hair. What can I say? It's very soft. He loved them, but was startled when I first put my hands in his hair. When I started giving the head scratches though, he didn't mind. He would lean into my hands at times, it made me smile. As long as that innocent fluff ball was happy, so was I. I would give the other boys some head scratches too, at first they were both confused, but once they caught on they loved it too. Tenya would bring his head down closer to me when he wanted some, and Shoto would nudge my arm when he wanted his share. I found both of them cute, like who wouldn't find that cute? Well... maybe Bakugo.

"Oh sick! Cuddle party? Count me in!" Kirishima said when he entered the living room. Me and Deku made room for him on the floor. He plopped down and was offered a shark blanket and random pillow that came off of one of our beds. It was now, Deku resting his head on my left leg, and Kiri resting his on my right. I was now giving head scratches to him too, thank god he didn't spike his hair today, I wouldn't want to ruin it. It looks really cool when he spikes it.

~Time Skip to Monday Morning~

I woke up at 5 in the morning to go get ready. I grabbed my swim bag and headed out to the pool to do my morning workout. I spent an hour doing my warmup, workout, and cooldown. I headed back to the dorms, got showered, got dressed, did my very light makeup, and made sure I had everything done and ready for classes. Before I was about to head out to get breakfast there was a knock at my door. I checked the time and saw that it 6:30 already. I opened the door and was surprised to see Bakugo standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Uh good morning." I said, slightly confused.

"G'morning. Wanna get this thing dealt with already or not?" He asked as he pointed to his neck. I nodded and let him in. He sat down in the seat and I got my stuff to cover up the bruise I gave him.

"Now please remember to not rub at this. It will come off like it did last time." I said as I started working on it. It was pretty loud and angry that day, which was expected. His neck was a little swollen too. As I looked at it and worked to cover it up, all I could think of was the guilt and the anger that flooded my brain. As I was in thought I was dabbing the concealer a bit too hard on one of the more sensitive parts of the bruise, causing Bakugo to flinch and glare at me. I snapped out of it and immediately apologized. He glared at me through the mirror and I acted like I couldn't see it. I made sure to work gently this time, I worked around the edges but noticed that the middle, right around his adam's apple was way more seeable than on Saturday. I rolled the chair back some so I could get in front of him to cover up that part.

"What are you doing?" He asked, hesitant of what I was doing.

"Relax, I just need you to tilt your head back as far as you can. I missed a spot." I said as I bent closer to get to it. He looked at me confused but did it anyway. It was an awkward position for me so I went between his legs. Since he was man spreading, it was pretty easy. He noticed pretty quickly and was about to lower his head. I used my hand and held it the way it needs to be for me to work. "Don't move. I'm almost done." I said with a sigh. He grumbled something but didn't fight it. I let him go and backed away. He lowered his head and looked in the mirror. Once he made sure it was acceptable he got up and left. "You're welcome." I said in English as I rolled my eyes. I cleaned up and gathered my stuff for classes. I decided to carry the makeup needed to touch him up throughout the day if it was necessary. I walked out to the kitchen and helped the other make breakfast. I ate and walked to the school building to go to class.

You And Me Against The World (Katsuki Bakugo love story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now