The next morning, Nora did her normal routine to get ready for the day. When it hit 6:30 Bakugo was knocking at her door, she let him in and he sat down. Both of them not saying a word. She started putting on the makeup and tried to do it as fast as she could. She was still mad at him from last night, plus she had someone waiting for her outside. Bakugo could tell that she was hurrying. Although he wanted to say something, he didn't know what to say, so he said nothing at all. She finished and started to pack away her things. Bakugo got up and walked out, after glancing at her. She gathered up everything she needed and made it out to the common room where breakfast was being served. She helped out and ate her breakfast.

"Why are you hurrying up so much?" Jiro asked her.

"I got someone waiting for me outside. I don't want to take too long." She answered.

"You still have fifteen minutes before seven. You have time to slow down." Bakugo said from the other end of the table. Nora looked at him and rolled her eyes. She finished eating and got up. She grabbed her stuff and went outside. She closed the door behind her and saw Sen standing by the steps. She walked over with a smile on her face.

"How long were you waiting?" She asked him.

"Not too long. Maybe five minutes." He said as he checked his watch. She nodded at him, he took her hand and helped her down the stairs. She smiled up at him and gave one back. They started walking to the school building together, talking about random things, things that weren't to important. It was really just small talk, he would flatter her, make her giggle. She would shyly take the compliments and take in every word he would say. When they made it to the school, he walked her to her classroom, he made sure that she made it in okay and then walked to his own class. The morning classes were pretty boring, but after lunch the classes got a bit more interesting. Mr. Aizawa started to talk about our last spar training, that got Nora excited. She had been working really hard to improve her quirk, so she wanted to see just how powerful it was now. Mr. Aizawa started to pair off the classroom. Nora and Uraraka were paired together, while Bakugo and Kirishima were paired together. They all went to change into their hero costumes. Nora's had come in during the weekend and she was excited to put it on and try it out. It was a skin tight bodysuit. Most of it was black, but the sleeves faded into a fire red color, since the fire was her favorite part of her quirk. She wore black work boots, made by an American company, to keep a little bit of home with her. She tied up her hair into a high ponytail, with the two strands in the front, and the baby hairs in the back. Like on last Saturday, when the fight happened. She made sure she had everything and waited for Uraraka. 

"Wow! Your costume looks so cool!" Uraraka said with a smile.

"It's pretty simple but it gets the job done. Although I was expecting the suit to be a bit more loose." Nora said as she looked at her chest. Since she had only worn loose clothes, and her uniform around her classmates they didn't really know what her body looked like. She walked out with her partner and saw some of the teams already there. She felt a little exposed as she saw their eyes on her. She wasn't going to lie, she was given a pretty nice body, but she never wanted to be judged by just that so she hid it from most people. When Bakugo saw her a small blush formed on his cheeks as thoughts came to mind. Some of the other guys gawked at her as well, making Bakugo a little jealous. When everyone was there Mr. Aizawa started to speak again.

"Today's training is going to be a bit different. Yes we are sparing, but we are going to be sparing against another group. It won't be like last time when you had to fight against your partner. Now your partner is just that, your partner. Work together to defeat the other team. Today is not a grade, I just need to see how well you work with others." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Remember class. Working with others is needed in the hero world. If you can't successfully work with other hero's then you won't be able to save lives." Almight said as he walked outside. They all turned to look at him. He waved at them and most waved back. "I would also like to watch you guys, so don't mind me." He said. Mr. Aizawa told the first two groups to go and they started. Nora walked over to Almight and stood next to him. "Hello young Nora." He said as she glanced down at him.

You And Me Against The World (Katsuki Bakugo love story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now