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On Monday morning, even though Nora wanted to sleep in and sulk, she knew that she had to get up and push herself to make herself better, not for anyone else but for herself. She let herself get heartbroken by a shitty guy and she doesn't like that it happened. She got up at the normal 5 in the morning, she went to the pool, did her stretches, did her warm up, workout, and cool down. She changed, headed to the showers to wash off the chlorine and to make sure she smelt pretty good since she hadn't showered in a few days. When she got out she changed into her uniform, and did her hair. She put on her small amount of makeup which included mascara and chapstick. It really was a small amount. She gathered all of her stuff and walked out to the common room to help with breakfast. Bakugo woke up at 6, he didn't need all of the extra time to get ready like Nora did. Bakugo got dressed, he brushed his teeth, and grabbed his stuff before heading out to go eat breakfast. Everyone ate breakfast together, when they finished, they got up and started to walk to class. Nora found herself walking with the Bakusquad, talking and laughing like there was no problem at all. She was laughing at Denki's jokes, them being absolutely terrible, but she was a sucker for jokes like that. Bakugo found that quite cute, but he didn't show it. He had the same grumpy face as always. Nora noticed the grumpy face and decided to do something about it. She slid over, next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. He was startled by the contact, and looked at her.

"Why so grumpy? Come on, give me a smile. You know you can't resist this cute face." She said to him, as she gave a small smirk. He looked at her, not amused. "Please? I don't think I've ever seen you smile." She said a bit more serious now. He rolled his eyes and looked away.

"You've seen me smile." He said to her.

"The only 'smile' I've seen on your face is when you try to seem cocky and confident. I've never seen your genuine smile." She said to him as she pulled him closer. His eyes widened at her, and he looked at her. She smiled big and laughed a little, she thought his reaction was a little cute. But then again, she thinks Deku as a person is cute, so there wasn't anything wrong about that... or so she thought. He shook his head and looked away from her again. She frowned but they continued to walk. "I could tickle you. Maybe you'd smile then." She said after a little.

"If you tickle me that would be the last thing you'd ever do." He said to her, dead serious.

"Okay jeez." She said to him but laughed a little. She didn't take her arm away, and he was still pretty close to her. He didn't move though. He thought that she smelt pretty nice. "Just one smile?" She asked again, bringing up the previous conversation. He glanced at her and let the small smile he was holding back out. She gleamed at him once she saw it but didn't say anything. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear after a bit. He glanced down at her and shook his head, that smile coming back. When they got to class, Nora took her arm away and sat down at her desk. Bakugo didn't like the loss of contact but he didn't say anything about it. He sat down at his desk, and waited for class to start. Classes that day were pretty boring, almost everyone was bored but they did their work and didn't complain. When there was free time or also known as Mr. Aizawa wanted to take a short nap, the students got up and stretched. They went to talk to their friends and hang out while they had a break. After about two minutes, the girls came up with the idea to head to the beach after school, since it was still pretty warm out. Nora was in, she even had the perfect swim suit to wear. Bakugo didn't want to go, because he knew that it would be annoying, but once he saw Nora prance over to his desk he knew that she was going to force him to go.

"Is there something you need?" He asked her.

"Did you wanna come with us to the beach this afternoon?" She asked him with a small smile on her face.

"Not really no." He said to her in a monotone voice.

"Oh come on. Please?" She asked again, her hands on his desk now, her directly in front of him.

You And Me Against The World (Katsuki Bakugo love story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now