The rest of the day was practically the calm after the storm. That morning was intense and a weird way to start a day. Nora hadn't come out of her room at all after the fight in the hallway. It just kept replaying in a loop, one part specifically. Right when he was about to hit her, she grabbed his throat and slammed him into the wall. She had never done that before, let alone use that much force. She heard the slam, and saw his head bounce off of the wall. The look on his face though. She couldn't tell what it was and it bugged her. She laid on her bed, in the dark and quiet room. On the other end of the floor, Bakugo was sitting on his bed, still subconsciously holding his throat where she had hours earlier. He knew that there was going to be a bruise, and he had a light headache from when his head slammed into the wall as well. If he was being honest with himself, he didn't expect her to have that much strength. That morning did make him realize something. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, she scared him. The way her eyes have a bright flame in them when she's screaming at him, or the way her shoulders tense when she's getting angry. Her teeth clamp shut and grit together when she tries to hold back her rage. He sees the signs, and even though she hasn't gotten all too physical with him, she scares him. He won't tell her or anyone about that, but it's a fact. She doesn't seem scared of him though, most are. It makes him question himself, which he doesn't like. She's never been afraid of him, and she's said that. If anything all he does is annoy her and get her mad, but he doesn't scare her. He can still feel her small but strong hand around his throat, he can feel it tighten and squeeze. With that last squeeze she did, he couldn't breath. He didn't show anyone that though, in fear of being weak. He got up and checked in the mirror. He examined his neck and saw her handprint on his neck, it was going to be clear as day tomorrow. He growled and dropped his hand to his side. His room was spotless and he nothing to do. No work to catch up on, and nothing to read. He sighed and grabbed his phone, he plopped back down on his bed and laid there. The group chat with everyone in class 1-A had new messages so he thought that he might as well check them. Those pesky red bubbles by the apps annoy him. All they were talking about was the fight from this morning, they were trying to see if bakugo and her were okay. He rolled his eyes but responded anyway.

Boom Boom Boy💥: I'm fine. Stop being annoying!

Mother Nature 🌬: I'm okay guys 😅 no need to worry.

Sonic 🏃🏻‍♂️: Did she leave a mark Katsuki?

Boom Boom Boy💥: Does it matter??? But yes. She fucking did!

Mother Nature🌬: oh shit 😳 I didn't actually mean to leave a mark. Are you okay? It was in the heat of the moment!!! I swear!!! 😭😭😭

Boom Boom Boy💥: Oh shut up. Of course you didn't.

She honestly didn't mean to leave a mark, but knowing that she did gave her a happy feeling. She decided to get up, and walk out to the common room so she wouldn't be a hermit crab for the rest of the day. When she opened the door Iida was already standing there ready to knock.

"Oh, uh did you need something?" She asked.

"I would like to speak with you about this morning if you wouldn't mind." He said with a serious face. Oh shit, she thought.

"Yeah, come in." She said and let him inside. She turned on the light so it wasn't to dark in there. He stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed on his chest. "So about this morning?" She said carefully.

"This morning, you got a bit out of hand with Katsuki. Why?" He asked sternly. She knew she was in trouble.

"To be honest with you, I was just angry. He walks around like he owns the place and he yells at everyone. He insults almost everyone and his actions are uncalled for. The way he's been speaking to me this whole week built up and when he yelled at me this morning I let it out. I know that it was wrong, and I said some things I'm not proud of but he seriously can't be like that and get away with it. I truly didn't mean to slam him against the wall. My thoughts were clouded by anger, and my actions were uncalled for. I know that." She said as she stood in front of him. He looked down at her and nodded. A small smile came across his lips and she grew confused.

You And Me Against The World (Katsuki Bakugo love story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now