Chp.15 Tamami Koboyashi: The Lock Pt.1

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Tamami: Oh? You can see it too? Haha! Then this should go even faster, Hirose!

Koichi: Th-This a stand! A stand is in my body!

Tamami: You know, I met a guy name Keicho Nijimura four months ago, and he was the one who obtain me this stand power. I had no idea what was going on, but then again, I was happy. I figured that if I could use its ability properly, it could support me for the rest of my life. Now, come one, cough it up. These shackles won't come off if you don't pay up.

Koichi: I-I...It's just that..I don't have money *looks away*

Tamami: Oh? Your looked away, didn't you?

Suddenly, the lock that Koichi has in his gut got bigger and heavier...

Koichi: AAAGH!!! I-It got heavier and bigger! I-I can't stand it! *falls*

Tamami: Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You know, it's not nice to lie to people, you know. You felt bad to lie, didn't you? The more guilt you feel, the bigger and heavier the lock becomes. These shackles are eight of your sins. Even when I'm sleeping, or if you try to run away as far as you can, it never comes off. Now then, if you understand it, show me your wallet if you do have money. Come on.

Koichi can barely move as he reaches for his wallet and hands it over to Tamami...

Tamami: What the hell? You should have given me this 7,000 yen in the first place.

Koichi: Th-Those 7,000 yen are for me to buy sneakers for the gym at school.

Tamami: I don't give a shit! Go barefoot!

Koichi: Wh-What?!

Josie: Oi Oi. What's going on over here? What are you doing with Koichi?

Just in time, Josie and Okuyasa came in time to help Koichi out...

Koichi: J-Josie! Okuyasa!

Josie: Well, look at that. A grown man trying to three at a high school kid for money?

Okuyasa: Try getting a job to earn your own money, you poor bastard.

Tamami: Now look here ladies, you two stay out of this.

Josie: Oh, I'm afraid we can't do that. Not when there's something fishy going on here, like using some pretty stand.

Okuyasa: Man! This thing on Koichi's gut isn't coming off. Damn how hard can it be?

Tamami: Y-Youtwo  can see it too? Just how many freaks of you are there??

Josie: Whats what I wanna know, but that doesn't matter for now. Now, would you kindly take that thing off from Koichi?

Tamami: Tch! Hey you bitches! Don't you underestimate me! I'm not playing games here ya know! Sinners must pay for their sins, that's the rule of society! Or what? You're going to pay me instead of Koichi? Then I'll let you off the hook. Hehe. Money is money to me.

Okuyasa: Oooh? You're gonna try and steal money from me? Just try it you little shit.

Koichi: Hold on a sec Okuyasa! He just took me away 7,000 yen from me!

Tamami: That was a fee for lying to me!

Koichi: Huh!?!

Tamami: Paying 7,000 yen for that poor kitten's life isn't the amount and not enough. It'll take about 500,000 yen for that!

Koichi: 5-500,00 yen!?!

Josie: Why you.

Tamami: Hehe. Yeah, 500,00-AAACK!!!

Josie Higashikata x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن